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The Queen was admiring the new jewelleries when the prince stormed inside her room. "Is that a way you enter in somebody's room? I thought I raised you well. " The Queen taunted not aware how deep it hurt him everytime she say something like that. 

He let out a sarcastic chuckle before making his way to sit on elegant and soft bed.

" I don't know mother. You tell me, did you raise me well? " His voice hide a taunt behind and the Queen didn't miss to notice.

"or have you raised me at all. " He added before smiling evil.

" It's not the way you talk to your mother. " The queen warned her son walking up to him.

" I would rather never talk to a mother like you. " His eyes look stoned but he caught her palm aiming for his cheek.

" It's too late mother. I think I have raised myself on my own. " He stood up still holding her mother hand in tight hold.

"what are you doing Randhir? " Her mother voice wavered a little.

" I'm being a king. " He smirked. "And beleive me, I'm going to be a king who is feared across the world. The cruelest of them all. I will be exactly opposite of what you both wanted me to be. " He jaw was ticking whole time he spoke. The queen know it's not the son she has known.

"What happened to you Randhir? Tell me. Please son. Did something happened?" Though the care of the Queen was real but the only problem is that it was for the future king not her son.

"Yes. Yes something happened. Something terrible. But it made me realise my purpose of life." He chuckled.

"I'm done with being a better king you always wanted." His sneered. " May god bless the people living in this kingdom, because I'm going to make their life a living hell." He let her hand go with a push and she stumbled back on the jewelleries she was admiring.

The queen gazed up at the beast panting hard. A little part of her was scared but she knew she still had an upper hand.

"That's if you ever become a king." She challenged him but she didn't knew so much he had been come to loving challenge now.

"Watch me." He spat and turn to leave.

"Guards!" The Queen called and it made Randhir stop and turn to her.

"Take him to the cell." She ordered the guards to arrest Randhir. She hesitated but she believed she was doing right thing.

Not a single movement from the guards made her suspicious. Then she stood up straight and glance at her son who now stand with arms across his chest.

"I hope you remember that woman don't take discussions in our kingdom." Randhir reminded his mother.

"But you allowed them." The queen wasn't sure if she is happy or upset by that rule anymore.

Randhir smiled and step towards the queen.

"I took back every dicission I took in past days." He smirked.. and gave a look to the guards now.

" Take her to the cell please. " The please was not even  near to a request.

When he saw hesitation in guards eyes for arresting the queen. He lips went in thin line.

"Guards!" He roared.

More guards came in running.

"Take all of them in cells. Now " he commanded harshly and his mother just watch what her son has become.

Struggling hard against the gurads she look at her son with hateful eyes.

"Once your father know what you are doing he is going....."

"He is going to join you straight in the cell mother." He stated looking uninterested.

"I have already send men to capture him." He added, his eyes seem dead.

Her movements stop. She couldn't process it.

"You can't do that to your own father." She yelled as in hysterics.

"He is not what you think him to be mother." For a little moment the queen saw a hint of pity in randhir's eyes but it was gone when he said.."he wasn't going to make me a king ever." He added.

"How do you know?" The Queen question made Randhir heart more dead than it was before.

"So you knew." He couldn't keep his jaw unclenched anymore. And he feared that he is gonna kill today.

"Take her quickly please." He ordered the guards.

"Your husband will join you soon after the celebrations." He called behind her back. It made her turn and ask "what celebrations?"

"I'm declaring myself as a king tonight."

The air left queen's body.

"No more testing of my worth to become a king." He smiled.

"I decide my own worth, mother." His smile was gone as the queen was dragged harshly to the cells.

"Some people should thank their luck today if they manage to leave the kingdom before tonight." He called in the open halls.

"Because I'm going to make this place worse than hell."  He was determined.

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