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The whole palace was shimmering in the dark night. People could see the lights adorning the palace from far and far away. The crowd was mesmerized and so excited to find out what are the celebrations are for. The halls were filled with aroma of sweet smells of deliciously made dinner. The guards were alert and they were ordered not to let any leave move without any intention. Everybody knew something big is coming their way but they were too naive to recognise the terror they are going to be in.

A same terror was going on in randhir's mind too. His one part of heart was drowning in guilt while other part was already longing for sanyukta. His heart was sore at the distance he was feeling from his own self. He knew what he is doing is something he had never ever thought. Even nobody did. But this is what his life has bring him to. His heart felt betrayed by what his own parents had done to him and letting sanyukta go was the hardest decision he had ever took. He knew all his motivation and his willing to become better man and a better king will leave along with sanyukta. And now when he is all alone , he knew it's going to be end of his life, but he was determined that if he ever went down he won't go alone. He will bring down everyone who has a single part in sanyukta being away from him. Even if it's his father or hers.

"Everything's ready, your highness." A maid inform him standing at the entrance.

Once nodding, he glanced at his royal red robe. This was not the first tine he had dressed up as a king. The only difference is that this time he is going to be the king without any excuses to disrespect his worth. This time his father won't be there to tell him that he might not be ready to become a king now. No more companion to accompany.

Uncovering the blue velvet cloth from the platter, he took the shimmering crown between his fingers. The gold and the red gems shine brightly in his eyes.

He knew he had to turn off his heart if he is going to accept this crown as a part of his life. He knew he will because now he don't have any excuse to have a heart anymore if sanyukta is not there.

Placing that elegant crown made with thin golden embroidery and gems, he made his way out.

The hall was buzzing when Randhir step inside but as if sensing the change in aura, everybody fell silent. All eyes turned to the sudden clearing at the entrance when everyone began to shift in order to make way for Randhir to walk. The crown on his head was the first time in sight for the crowd. Surely it made them all suspicious and excited but deep inside they all had a bad feeling inside their stomach. As if their body can sense the difference in the air.

Every step was like a announcement of a deep rooted promise until he reached the stairs. The sight of Randhir walking up the stairs was so powerful that the people felt mesmerized by the image. Their body wanted to bow down in front of the Adonis who is going to claim himself as king today. He was a proud man, but a touch of cruelty shone in his eyes along with power of dominance. It made it very difficult to take eyes off him. The way he turn to the crowd when he reached the throne was predatory. The throne must be blessed to have been adored by Randhir's presence. The throne never looked more fascinating. The crowd was in awe. The crowd would be ready to kiss his feet if the king asked and he already knew it. So why not try it.

"Bow down to your new king." He already declared himself as new king by his first sentence. No more explanation was needed anymore.

The crowd almost fall on their knees willingly. Something was different in the air. It felt like black magic when nobody wanted to defy the king in any way and want to obey him as much as they could. There was a different satisfaction they received while obeying him. It felt almost like worshipping a god. He is god and they all were his devotees.

The obedience of crowd filled the king's head with pride. He claimed not to have a heart anymore but he was sure if he had a heart it would have bloomed with pride too.

At that moment he realised the first and most terrible mistake he had made in his life. He always wanted to be like what his parents want him to be. A better king. He thought a better king do whatever his parents has ever told him but today he realised his approach should be being a better king for these people. A better man for them. A better lover for sanyukta.

He was a coward when he didn't had enough courage to fight for his love. He almost feel embarrassed at how shrewd he felt when he let his parents hold the key of his happiness and his life. He let them control his life more than needed. The more he think about that the more he hate his parents and the feeling to punish was increasing with his every breath.

But he almost knew that the people on the other side of his punishment was not supposed to be these people. Not this crowd.

A little sapling of hope began to rise in his heart when he looked at the crowd in front of him but what's the point if he can't have the only person he want to be with.

But looking at the crowd bowed down at his feet made him gave a second thought of burning this palace to ashes. They don't deserve it.

He hate the way he is stuck. Stuck between being the best king he could be and being the worst king as a punishment to what his parents had done to him.

What would sanyukta have suggested?

The thought of her made his heart smiled. With him or not with him, she is going to be his companion for forever.

"Enjoy the dinner." He commanded with a soft smile and the crowd cheered.

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