
568 72 20

Money spent lively

Snake in grass is free to go

Fields wave across land


I went looking around for Amani after dessert had been served. I just wanted to thank her for easing my nerves, surprisingly enough when it had come time for my part of the speech to my mother, initially I had tensed up again, feeling the anxiety creep up inside me once more, but then my eyes had wandered and I found Amani standing in the back, helping me through it.

I don't know what it was about seeing here there, or perhaps her presence; knowing that her deep brown eyes were looking right at me, encouraging me gave me enough power to forget that I was being stared down and judged by the hordes of nobility at this function.

         It was almost as if all of that had dissipated into the background; the sounds of my deep and calm breathing, the warm feeling of Amani's small hands encased in mine, something about it made sense in that moment.

I had to put my pride aside momentarily to at least show her some appreciation. I know if the last PR guy were to try to get me to make a speech, there would be no way in hell I would have agreed to it, but I feel like with Amani... no was never an answer.

She ended up not being at where her seating arrangement was, I found Éliane there instead and she informed me that someone had taken her to the dance floor for a dance; I was quite surprised to hear this—I thought for sure Éliane was making it up to mess with me and she really was in the restroom or something, but I indeed found her swaying to the Idizian waltz with Oli Cyril who seemed to be having the time of his life dancing with her. They both looked engaged in conversation with each other, I furrowed my brow in curiosity; they knew each other?

Whatever. I needed to talk to Amani, so Cyril was going to have to move once I approached. Which was exactly what I did as I headed on the dance floor, I ignored some of the curious stares following me as I stopped by where they were dancing and cleared my throat; both of them ceased dancing and turned to face me. Once they had noticed who it was, they both formally greeted me.

My eyes made their way to Amani who was giving me a curious look.

"Mind if I have a dance with Amani here?" I questioned, but I wasn't looking to Cyril for approval, I was more so asking her. Amani looked over at Cyril with an apologetic stare, "Do you mind?" She asked him.

He looked at her with a soft smile, "Not all... enjoy!" He looked over at me and bowed formally, "Your majesty." He acknowledged me with a twinge of annoyance, I could hear it in his voice before he slowly walked away; I fought the urge to roll my eyes and gave Amani my hand.

She took it and I led her in dance.

We didn't say anything for a bit, I was surprised by how well she kept up with me. I had no idea she was well-versed in ballroom dancing; I doubt they had that kind of thing in Canada, but maybe I was wrong.

"So, esteemed equestrian and ballroom dancer... is there anything else I should know about you?" I questioned her, breaking the awkward silence between us as we danced.

She looked at me with an exhausted expression. "Unless you're working on becoming my PR, then no... you'll know as much as about me as I allow you to." She stated strictly.

I made a face, "Ouch... always so mean, I actually came here humbled and willing to thank you for aiding me with my speech tonight." I said seriously.

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