chapter 1

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"You know... He's kind of hot."


Liv looked up to meet her friend's eyes and gave her a frown, showing her she had no idea what her friend was aiming at.

"The new boy. He's so hot."

It was hard not to make it obvious how Liv's heart missed a beat when she realized who it was about. She just bit her lip harshly as she rolled her eyes and said "no he isn't."

Anna, the blonde, perfect girl who seemed to be the total opposite of Liv, gasped and leaned forward. "He is! Are you blind?!" she whispered.

Again, Liv rolled her eyes and didn't answer as she looked down at her notebook in front of her, scanning her eyes over the doodles that were all over the page, where her homework should have been.

She wasn't that good at drawing, but it was definitely something she rather did than doing homework. It was also something that was much easier than trying to figure out the answer to the questions in her textbook, that had been a blur for Liv since the start of the school year. Maybe if she had tried a little harder at the start, she wouldn't be this lost now. But there was nothing to save her anymore anyway.

So doodles had practically filled up the previous pages in her notebook.

"I get it," Anna continued even though it was pretty obvious Liv was annoyed by the subject, or at least by the way her friend was talking to her. Anna struggled with understanding her signs sometimes.

She was a great friend, though.

"It's because you've only been looking at girls lately, and especially that one girl. But you're bi, right? So there's nothing wrong with admitting that Dominic is hot."

"He's just not, okay!" Liv answered annoyedly, raising her voice slightly which basically sounded like yelling considering the girls were sitting in the dead silent library. She bit her bottom lip yet again when she realized how loud it was, and finished in a whisper: "Besides, he looks like an ass."

"Jesus," Anna whispered as she sat back, creating distance between the girls again. She picked up her pencil and bent down to look at her text book. "What's wrong with you?"

Liv knew it was more of a rhetorical question that she was not supposed to answer, but she wasn't going to do that anyway. She had no idea how to explain 'what was wrong with her' in the first place.

What was wrong with her, was that Dominic, the 'new boy', was her childhood best friend. At least, for several years. He had played a big part in her life, that was for sure. Things just didn't end well between them, which was the soft way of describing it.

It was safe to say she absolutely despised him now, and she knew that feeling was mutual. At least, the feeling was mutual two years ago. But considering they never talked after that, his feelings definitely never changed. And hers didn't either.

As soon as she noticed how she was nervously cracking her knuckles while thinking about him, Liv shook him out of her head and took the pencil that had been laying on her book, just to stick it in her mouth and stare at her small drawings.

The way all the little pigeons she had drawn were slightly off, pissed her off. All she wanted was to have a perfect one that could represent her mom, so she could tattoo it on her body which she had been wanting to do for a long time.

Liv took the pencil away from her mouth and let it glide over the paper again, only to scribble it out aggressively a minute later. It made her throw the pencil down again and lean back against the wooden chair, whispering "fuck this".

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