Chapter 53

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THANK YOU ALL FOR THE HAPPY BIRTHDAYS, YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY. :) :) I couldn't ask for better people thank you! And so sorry for the wait: I had 12 relatives over and they were here like for four days so I couldn't write. Plus, I have three tests on Monday, PLUS for all you Americans...IT"S SUPER BOWL SUNDAY. Haha I don't watch sports but I think the Super Bowl is interesting :)

Shoutout to Emdunford2000!!!!

Dedicated to BriBri1180! She had a bad day, so I hope she her day gets better. :)



Finally I spotted her. Thank goodness.

"ELEANOR!" I screamed as I tried to catch to her.

She briefly turned around and stopped.

"OH MY GOD SKY" she panted.

She seemed relieved yet frightened to see me.

"DON'T STOP KEEP RUNNING" I managed through ragged breaths.

She nodded and we ran down the road hoping to see a stray motorist or, well, anyone.

I really hope we can escape this time.


"Sky, S-Sky, are you o-ok?" Eleanor asked while we were fleeing the house.

I managed a nod, but that was it.

I really wasn't. It was hard for me to breathe and I was already super tired from beating up Jim.

"I'm-I'm go-going to t-take a b-break" I muttered as I stopped in the middle of the road.

I put my hands on my thighs and bent forward.


I really need to get in shape.

"Sky, you sure you're ok?" Eleanor once again asked, looking in every direction nervously.

"Eleanor, just go on ah-ahead of m-me" I panted.

"No, I am not leaving you behind with those kidnappers! They could rape us for what we know, we have to leave, now"

"No, you go ahead, I'm fine. I-I er, I know them"


"Their the ones that raped me. Don't worry, they won't hurt you. Now leave before you get caught"

"Nu-uh, I am not leaving you now. And-and-and they could hurt you-"

"Yeah, so? It's not like I haven't been through it before." I replied glumly.

"Get yourself together, Sky, do you need me to give you a peptalk right now? Because I will if you-"

"No, I'm fine, I just don't want to see you get caught up in this-"

"So you think I would like to see you get caught up in this? Huh? Now, hurry, or just fast-walk"

"But I'm too tired. Plus when they catch me I will tell them you ran the other way. It will work-"

"SKY! Listen to me: don't give up. You are giving up! Where is that strong and strong-willed girl I knew a week ago?!"

"I, er, I don't know-"

"Well find her, now. We need her to get us out of here"

"I can't go, they will always find me."

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