Chapter 34

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****thank you thank you thank you!

I am so sorry for the super long wait!

Dedicated to jacquic243 because of the song idea :)

Sorry for all the weird extra spacings in this chapter, I don't know why they are there and I am too lazy to go and change all of it, so...yeah.

Long chapter! Yay!****


"I knew it!" she squealed and hugged me.

I awkwardly hugged her back.

"I have to get you two together, you guys will make like the cutest couple!"

"Sure..." I mumbled not so interested.

I think being only fifteen and PREGNANT changes things about you, like for me, I like him as in a crush. I don't think he even likes me. I am not that pretty.

Zayn keeps telling me that, but it isn't true. Girls at my school used to call me ugly, and I bet they knew more about who is ugly and pretty than Zayn does.

I sighed. I bet Zayn is even going out with someone right now.

Oh well, it isn't called a crush for nothing. He just makes me act so...normal when we are around, like nothing really matters.

Ahh, cut the crap, Sky, you have bigger matters than crushes.

Eleanor blabbered on about Zayn and I and stuff for about two hours.

During those two hours I didn't listen or pay attention once.

I was too preoccupied. Zayn probably had a different date every night for all I knew, I mean, he was hot. (see what I did there?)

Everything soon became mush in my head.

Finally, I had enough and just wanted to sleep.

"Eleanor, can we go to bed? I am really tire-"

"Sure! Ok, goodnight! Wait, let me say goodnight to Louis!"

Gosh she was full of energy at two in the morning.

After being gone for five minutes, she came back in, smiling.

I instantly became jealous of her and Louis' relationship. They were perfect and really loved each other.


Maybe when I am her age I will be prettier and have a boyfriend.


She startled me and made me jump.


"I have been trying to get your attention for the past three minutes! I said that Zayn wanted to say goodnight!" She wagged her eyebrows.

I pushed her arm, gently.

Wait, he wanted to say goodnight

"Really? Because if you are joking I am going to punch you."

"I am absolutely positively serious. Go down there! Hurry, he is going to go to sleep!"

Ahh, I have to get up. I really hate moving in general.

I peered out of the doorway.

A light was on in Zayn's room, so I wandered over and knocked slightly.

I heard rustling of sheets and footsteps until the door swung open to reveal a tired Zayn.

His eyes immediately perked up when he saw me, though.

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