Chapter 4

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*****It gets better, I promise!! And 1D will be coming in soon!****

I broke down.

I crumpled to the ground and landed on some old beer bottles.

So he drinks too?

Can my life get any better?

"No, please, anything but that! My parents, they-they can give you money! I can-"

"Shut up!"

I froze.

This is.

No more innocent sophomore who loves school.

"Please-" I whimpered.

"Shut up!"

I felt something hard come in contact with my face. That made me cry even more.

He slapped me and was going to rape me.


I whimpered again as he picked me up and forcefully threw me on the bed.

From what light there was, I noticed his eyes had darkened in lust. I squirmed and tried to get away from his grip. He was too strong, but to make sure, he grabbed some rope and tied me to the bed.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! Please! Please...please" I screamed but he kept going. He ripped my shirt off and eyed me hungrily.

"Shut up, you will be screaming much more later tonight" he cockily said as he fumbled with my pant's zipper.

I struggled to no use. He really scared me, if only Matt could come in. Why was I turning to my rapist's partner to save me? Matt probably knew the whole time what was going to happen.

That asshole

His bare chest came in contact with mine as he unclasped my bra.

Why couldn't I just die? I would actually rather be dead than go through this humiliation.

I felt dirty.

So super dirty that I couldn't stand myself.

I tried to push him off my chest.

When he finally stopped kissing it, he moved farther down.

*******i couldn't write any more, it sickens me. I am 50000x10^20000% against rape, but this will get better, and sorry if I offended anyone*******

Gosh, I fainted.

Thank goddness.

Thank you.

I looked down.


The monster was also on the bed, but of course he put his clothes on. He stirred in his sleep.

I never knew that this is how it would happen, I always thought I would give it up when I got married, or at least to my boyfriend not when I was 15 to some rapist.

Tears started to fall.

I silently cried for about ten minutes until I heard the door open and saw a figure in the light.

I started shaking life a leave.

How much more humilitaiton would I have go through?

I heard a gasp.


I whimpered in response. I was beyond words.

The figure jumped quickly to my side and undid he ropes from my arms and legs. Finally my hands got circulation, but there were still rope burns from when I tried to struggle and escape.

I couldn't find my clothes through all the trash on the ground. The figure handed me a shirt and some sweats.

I didn't look up for when I am nervous, I just look down. Like when I walk by someone, I look down instead of having to meet their eyes. I am very shy.

I felt like I deserved to give this person a smile for they did get me off the bed and they did give me clothes.  

I looked up into Matt's blue eyes.


I fell apart into his arms, like I literally fell into his arms. I couldn't feel my feet. I didn't want to be awake right now. I just wanted out.

He caught me and carried me out of the room. I buried my head in his chest while he carried me bridal style into the room I first woke up in.

He lied the bawling me down and put ragged blankets over my fragile, aching body.

Until now, I didn't realize that everything below my belly-button was on fire.


"P-pl-pl-please don't leave me! I-I-I am-"

"Shh, Shh baby girl, don't cry, just go back asleep," he cooed into my ear as he slid into the bed and wrapped a muscular arm around me.



No, really, why me?

With that, I slipped into a nightmare, like what I lived through wasn't nightmare-y enough already.

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