Chapter 17

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*****Hey, so, here it is! I think you get bored or skip over the 'comment, vote...' stuff, but please do. I am actually terrifed of having people read what I write, so this is a huge step for me to actually post this! Thank you********

(Zayn's POV)

"Mate, what we gonna do? He murdered her parents. This has gotten way out of hand!" Liam screamed to me while he was pacing in the kitchen.

I wanted so desperatly to follow Sky but the boys told me to stay and 'discuss.'

I rolled my eyes.

"Can't we just work this out later....Sky....I need to go get her" I said anxiously.

I was afraid of what she would do to herself up there alone.

I never thought of her as the 'self-harm' type, but, you never know. The poor girl has gone through so much...

"But, but-" I stammered.

"No! I didn't know really anything but she might have been kidnapped. She actually was kidnapped and her parents were actually killed. There is a kidnapper/murderer out there somewhere. Who knows what he did to Sky anyway? He looks like he abused her-"

"Please!" I begged.

"Liam, just let him go, we can talk about it later, after the 'photography class,'" said Louis.

He was being so unusually serious.

Liam let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine. But be down here in thirty minutes. We can't miss our 'class'" Liam said, adding a tense smile at the end.

I smiled back. That was what I like about Liam: at one point he can be completely serious and then go back to his normal, teenage self.

Once he said those words, I climbed up the stairs and into my room.

Locked again.

"Sky! Please, I am sorry, can we just talk....? Or, we don't have to talk. We" I pleaded at my door.

The door creaked open.

Sky sat on the floor, curled up as tight as possible. She looked so fragile and hurt.

I rushed to her and engulfed her in my arms.

"Sky, please, please listen to me"


"I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but can you please just tell me about the man who...kidnapped you?"

"Sure..." she whispered, scared. "there are is an older man, maybe f-f-forty and the other is like ei-ei-eighteen. The man's name is J-Jim and the other is M-Matt."


"Ok, now, did they hurt you?" I really hoped they didn't but I knew they did. Where could she have gotten all those bruises from?

She pondered for a minute in silence. Finally, she tenetivly spoke

"Kinda..." her voice waivered off.

I looked at the broken body in my arms. I knew at any moment she would start crying, I just wish she would tell me everything.

Anybody who hurt her should go to Hell, no one should have to go through what she probably went through.

"J-Jim beat me, butthatwasall" she quickly jumbled the last part.

I raised an eyebrow. I didn't want to bug and pester her, but I really was curious.

Tonight, or whenever Liam and I had our 'discussion' I knew that we would settle on calling the police whether she liked it or not.

", I am sorry for asking all of these questions, but, why did they kidnap you? Like did you know them before or..." my voice trailed off. I felt so bad for bombarding her with questions while she was in this state of pain and suffering.

"I, I don't actually know" she said, looking into my eyes for the first time during our conversation.

"Well, that's ok, at least you are safe now"

"Thank you again"

"Your welcome...oh, and Sky?"


"My friends and I have to go to that class, so can you wait here? It will probably take us, hmm, around an hour tops. Is that ok?"

She thought for a moment. It killed me knowing that I would have to leave her alone.



"Ok, and don't worry, I will lock the doors and give you my number..."

So not like the usual: give a girl your number situation, but anyways-



We just sat there in silence, holding each other rocking back and forth. It was quite calming and peaceful.

"ZAYN GET YER BUTT DOWN HERE OR I AM COMING AND BREAKING UP THAT LITTLE MAKE-OUT SESSION!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs from downstairs.

I jumped and so did Sky.

I felt heat rush to my cheeks, and noticed her cheeks were red too.

"COMING!" I yelled back. "Sorry, I have to go, here-here's my number and the others. Please call if there is anything, and I mean anything wrong. We will be back as soon as possible...." I said, walking up to the door. I paused, "Oh, and, be strong," and I left the room.

Harry mumbled something about calling dibs or unfairness, but I ignored it.

We got into our limo and I turned my head to get one last glimse of the house before we drove off to the photoshoot.


The photoshoot was long and stressful: I couldn't keep my mind off of Sky.

Was she ok?

Was she hurt?

Did the guy, or guys come back for her?

I shouldn't have left her alone.

I almost ran up the front steps and opened the door to my flat.

I could feel the blood rushing through my veins. I am so stupid for leaving her alone! What if she killed herself?

I jumped up the stairs and scurried to my room.

I flung the door open to reveal Sky, crying in a corner with her head in her hands.

We made eye-contact and I knew something for sure:

Something was seriously wrong.

Help Me, Please? *One Direction Fanfic*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora