Chapter 58

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THIS IS IT. (sorry for advance for all the writing ahh sorry!)

Shoot Wattpad isn't working :/

So I am actually afraid of going on Wattpad and seeing comments about how boring this story got or how I ruined it. I am so sorry. Therefore, this is it. This is the end of the story. Congrats guys! I have been writing this since the beginning of October and now it is the middle of March.

PS: to whoever told me to listen to Colton Dixon's You Are, AHHH THANK YOU FOREVER THAT IS MY NEW FAVORITE SONG! PM ME SO I CAN THANK YOU!

Guys, I have talked with a lot of you: LIFE GETS BETTER. DON'T GIVE UP. I know some of you may feel depressed and like everything just keeps getting worse, but it gets better, trust me. I started writing this book when I was depressed and stuff. Nothing looked up for me. Sometimes I still feel like there is nothing to look forward to in life. But recently, I have been feeling really happy. It gets better! And please, please don't even think about cutting or suicide. Just think of things that you have that others don't. Be happy for what you have.

Shoutout: to Bree for being awesome. And NataliaTorresBabe, and toffy_lurvees_youcx

Georgia, Nicole, and Colleen, you guys are amazing!! Thank you for messaging me!


Louis' POV:


I shook my head.

He couldn't have killed her.


No way.


I wouldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe it.


"We have to go."


"They" I paused to collect my thoughts. "they-they said she's-she's d-dead."

Niall and Liam stopped and stared at me.

"She can't be Lou, they wouldn't-"

Liam rubbed his chin in though, tears filling his worried eyes.

I couldn't even cry because I refuse to believe it.

"Call him back!" Niall shouted at me. "Call him back, it's a misunderstanding. They wouldn't do that."

"I don't have his number. It was blocked."

Liam was off in his own little world while Niall and I tried to figure out a way to call them.

"I don't know what I am going to do anymore, Niall," I whispered.

"Hey, don't worry, she's fine, you know how Matt and Jim are. They are probably just trying to scare you."

I fumbled with my phone, trying to think of anything.

We seriously had no leads.

Absolutely nothing.

"El would fight back. She'd probably kill them before they could kill her. Plus, Zayn and Harry are there. They wouldn't let her get hurt. Harry-" Niall blabbered on and I occasionally nodded along.

Help Me, Please? *One Direction Fanfic*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant