Chapter 22

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"Ok, now, I have some others coming in a few minutes, but, I just want to get started, we will have a lot of paper work to fill out. So, let's get started"


"Ok" I whispered again.

"So, Sky, what's your last name?"

Wow. I actually had to think about what my last name was it had been that long.

"Sky Robertson" I replied, finding great intrest in the carpet.

"Sky, babe, please look up" Zayn cooed to me from beside me. I didn't even realize he was next to me.

I didn't even tell the boys what my last name was.

"Ok, hmm..." The man said as he scribbled down the some piece of paper. I noticed that he had a tape recorder out. Who uses those these days?

"So, next question, what are your parents names and phone numbers?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. Liam, Harry, and Zayn's eyes all flickered towards me as they knew what was coming.

I tried as hard as I could not to cry.

"The-they k-k-killed them." I said, barely audible.

The man's eyes lit up.

"Who killed your parents?" he questioned, probably more interested now that there was murder involved.


"Whose 'they' Sky"

"Matt and Jim"

"Do you know their last names?"


The man picked up his walkie-talkie and mumbled stuff into it.

"Ok, where do you live?"




"Did those Matt and Jim people bring you overseas?" He questioned, getting even more excited.

I could imagine what was going through his head: Teen girl kidnapped, parents murdered, taken overseas.

He would probably get a promotion for responding to me.

"Oh god" and he mumbled more stuff into his walkie-talkie.

Right after he finished talking to the machine, I heard sirens.

Shit, he called more people.

I don't like people staring at me, so when five other male policemen walked in the door, I froze.

Zayn noticed and rubbed my back soothingly, but that was no help.

Panic attack for the day-check.

I completely lost control and sobbed and yelled out words that I don't even remember.

Harry and Liam crowded around me as the other police had a converstaion with the one interviewing me.

After that, I really don't remember anything in general.

This makes me sound weak, me fainting and forgetting all the time, but if you had gone through what I had, you would be the same way.


When I came to, I was in a different room. Switch that, a car. Why was I in a car?

"Sky, your awake, shh, don't worry, we are just driving you to the police station..." Zayn cooed into my ear.

I instantly felt safe.

"Shh, why don't you go back to sleep, we will be there in a couple of minutes and I think they want you awake"

I nodded and fell back asleep.

This time when I came to, I was in someone's arms. Zayn's.

I snuggled closer to his chest as he walked into a building and set me down on a chair.

I guess my case was a big deal for there were a lot of people surrounding me, some even taking pictures.

Another policeman ushered us to another room, away from all the loud people.

"Sky Robertson, is that right?" the man said as we walked into the darkish room. He looked a lot older with white hair sticking out all over the place. His moustache was white also, and was curlied at the tips. He was probably the one in charge.

I nodded. Zayn sat next to me and I curled into his side, my face against his chest.

"Excuse me, mister, but I need to talk to Sky alone, you may go..." the man in charge said to Zayn.

"No!" I yelled a little too loudly. I began to cry again, but tried to hold back the tears forming. "Please, please don't let him go, I'm scared! He was the one who made me call you guys, not me!" I pleaded.

I blinked back tears as I stared at the old man.

"I'm really not supposed to-"

"Please!" I begged.

"Fine, but please, I don't want him talking, this is about you, and we need the details. You seem to have been kidnapped three weeks ago from California. No one has seen you since." He murmured to himself.

I knew that I would have to tell this man everything some time, so I might as well spill it now and get it over with, as much as I hated the thought.

Zayn stayed silent through the whole thing, though I did see his eyes sadden when I told him of the beatings that Jim gave to me.

However, I didn't tell the policeman chief person about the raping, no one needed to know about that. And I mean no one.

It was my little secret, one that I would keep until the grave.

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Sorry it's so freaking short, I just wanted to leave it at a good point...but if I get 3 comments (yeah, bumping it up a notch) or 5 votes, I will update and put an extra long chapter.**********

Help Me, Please? *One Direction Fanfic*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt