Chapter 55

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Guys, I have been working on this all week. I am so sorry. I really am. I try to make these chapters longer, so it takes a lot of time and work to come up with and write these chapters. Please don't hate me. 

Dedicated to AngelaSimone for helping me at almost midnight come up with a way to tie up the ending! 

And I just spent four hours writing this! It is like 11:30 at night!

Shoutout to Amoczarski_1D


Oh no, why did the pain have to flare up again? I was perfectly fine, well, not fine fine but ok, until this happened.


"I told you! You shouldn't have told her!"

I couldn't really breathe.

I think I was having another panic attack, though this was much worse.

There was so much. I can't do it.

I can't handle all this stress and pressure.

I just need a way out.

And with that, I passed out....again.


"Don't. Even. Move." Jim threatened, his voice firm and menacing.

His tone scared me, a lot.

I kept my eyes closed for the pain disappeared when I did.

"Put your hands up and give me your phone." Matt cut in.

Was I being arrested or something?

And he took my phone a while ago.

I am so stupid, I bet he isn't even talking to me.

"Why are you here-"

Yes! I knew it. He wasn't talk to me-wait....was that Harry??


I must be dreaming or some sort of stuff like that.


Maybe I was in those dreams where you could change what you wanted to happen next.


I would love to pet a sparkly unicorn surrounded by blackberries.

I was thinking really hard about the unicorn when I realized that I had my eyes closed for a reason: I was in pain.



I wanted to see a unicorn.

And I wanted to eat that fruit.


If this isn't a dream, does that mean that Harry is here??


Where am I then?


I really want fruit.

Like really badly.


"You move one step closer, we'll shoot."

With that, my eyes snapped open.

So I go from thinking of unicorns to thinking about Jim shooting Harry. 


I couldn't have someone be shot and not do anything, even if it was Harry we were talking about.

"D-DON'T S-SHOOT!" I stammered.

I'm guessing all eyes flickered to me for the room silenced.

All I could hear was my breathing.

And it wasn't evenly-spaced.

Remind me again why I wasn't taken me to the hospital already?!

"Oh gosh, SKY!" Harry shouted as he ran towards me.

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