Chapter 36

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*****Ok, so I I wish I could dedicate this chapter to all of you!

However...thank you for lina_ballerina for all the voting and faning and comments!

Sorry it is kind of short...but BIG news. :) *****

Harry slammed the door shut and sent me an evil glare.

He strode over to my shaking body.

I stepped back, until my back hit the cold wall.

He smirked and soon trapped me by putting his two long arms on either side of my head.

"So...I see you broke my rules..."

Oh shit


"Wh-what do y-you mean?" My voice trembled.

I was scared.

He said if I broke any of the rules he would do much worse to me.


When life got got worse.

"I specifically remember telling you not to speak to the other guys"

Ok, now I was angry. Who the hell does he think he is that he can boss me around and tell me who I can and can't talk to?!

However, Harry scared me so much that I didn't want to sass him, so I let him continue.

"You have been getting too close to Zayn recently...tsk tsk tsk"

He smirked again.

"I-I'm so so sorry!"

"Love, sorry won't cut it this time"

Slowly, his hands started to snake to my shirt.

Ok, he is not going to do anything to me this time.

I have a baby to that might even be his for all I know.


His hand instantly froze at the hem of my shirt and his green eyes pierced through mine.

"I can't do this don't even own me! I am my own person, not some little toy you can play with!"

"Don't you dare talk back to m-"

"SKY! HARRY! Are you guys done? We are going to go out to eat!"

I almost fainted I was so relieved.

"Shit" Harry muttered and moved his arms away from me.

"Wait! Don't you move. Don't you dare tell anyone. I will punish you, though, so don't think you are off the hook."

I groaned. I knew it was too good to be true.

However, if I just didn't get caught alone with him, he couldn't punish me...right?

"Now get out there like nothing happened" he growled at me.

I quickly obeyed. I practically ran out of the room.

"Hey guys, nice of you to join us!" Louis jokingly told us.

I rolled my eyes.

"O-ok, so where are we going to go?" I tried acting normal.

"" Zayn awkwardly stated.

"And Niall and Liam are already outside so let's go!" Louis stated.

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