Chapter 6

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**********Please please comment or vote, it would mean the world to me!! And if your here for One Direction, they are coming up in the next few chapters.**********


"Mmm, five more minutes...."

"Sky, you need to get up now, sorry."

He isn't sorry.

"Finnneee" I muttered, opening my eyes to blinding sunlight.

"See it wasn't that hard, was it Sky?"

I glared at him.

I didn't feel that words were neccisary to convey my feelings.

I hate waking up.

I hate it with such a passion.

Sooo much.

"Why the hell did you freaking wake me up?" I asked, grumbling about everything.

Today just wasn't my day.

Well, yesterday wasn't my day. It was-no, don't think about it, Sky.

"'s already noon"


"Ya you slept through the whole movie, and missed the super sad ending where," he pretended to sniffle and wipe tears away "Jack died. Then I had to carry you up here and now I am going to make lunch. What do you want?"

What do I want?

To be taken as far away from this place as possible.

"Hmm.." I began thinking. "Pancakes?"

I have to admit, I was starving. I usually never go two hours without eating food....however, I don't want anything he makes.

They did kidnap me for crying out loud, why should I forget that huge fact?

Though, Matt does sort of kind of seem like the brother I always wanted. I am an only child, so it is only natural that I always dreamed of having another sibling.

He chuckled. I guess he has never had pancakes for lunch. May I say they are a-maz-ing.

Of course, I can only be so happy (and by 'so happy' I mean like, 'yay. Pancakes. Wha-hoo.') for so long before all the memories of that night came flooding back into my mind.

I bet Matt thinks I am bipolar for I instantly fell onto ground and curled up into fetal position.

"Sky? What's wrong? Did I say something? Of course you can have pancakes for lunch, like I wasn't-Sky?"


Oh no. What could get worse than the memories? The man that cause them.

"Matt get that pathetic thing off the ground"


"No buts! She is a waste of space, she needs to be taught a lesson."

He walked closer to me, his footsteps almost being drowned out by my frantic heartbeat.

"Bitch" he yelled as I got slapped in the face.

I curled up as tight as possible and put my arms up to shield my face.

"Get up slutty bitch!"

Seriously? What's with the harsh language?

"Jim! Please, hasn't she been through enough?!"

"Leave. Matt, get out. I kidnapped her, I get to deal with her. She is here for only one purpose. Use her for it. Grow up."

I couldn't handle it anymore. I mean, what else could happen? I would rather die than live, so I might as well tell him how I feel.


Instead of running away in terror like I had hoped Jim would, he laughed. Not a friendly happy laugh, more like an evil 'I will hurt you' laugh.

"What did you say to me?"

"Jim, please, don't hurt her-"

"What did I tell you Matt, get out!"

Matt, my only help, fled the room.

"Hey, slut, how about round two?" his eyes turned black with lust as he looked me up and down.

"Don't even go near me. I can hurt you."

"Haha that is funny princess, but if you just stop moving it would feel a lot better..."

"No! Don't go near me you, you, you" I couldn't think of anything really mean to say to him. "You ugly rapist!"

He just laughed at me. However, when he came up and held my arms above my head, I kicked him in the place where the sun don't shine. He grunted.

"You little SLUT!" he groaned. I smirked at him. It felt good. I guess I was feeling confident because I repeatedly slapped him.

Then his eyes popped like he just thought of a great idea. Maybe I wasn't hurting him, but now he was going to hurt me.

"Oh Ma-tt! You can come back in now." I was utterly confused. He just practically threw Matt out, why would he want him to come back in.

Jim must have seen my confusion.

"I think you need to be taught this lesson by someone else..."

"Yeah? What do you need-oh"

"Matt, it's your turn to use Sky, don't you think?"

"NO! Please!" I screamed trying to claw at Jim with no use. He was too strong.

Jim pushed Matt towards me. However, Jim tied me to the bed first.

This time he made the ropes extra tight, probably to make me be in even more pain.

"Matt, use her and don't even think about backing off. You're a man, right? Now do your job. She's worthless and we kidnapped her, you shouldn't be so nice to her."

Matt gave me another look of sympathy. I knew that he had to do it but I just couldn't believe it. Now I was going to be completely humiliated and mortified.

"You know, Sky, I don't want to do this to you. I never would do this. I am so sorry."

Tears started to fall on my cheek. Matt turned around to face Jim.

"Please Jim, I will give you more money, I will steal another car, just...just not her?"

Jim shook his head with a grin that was so wide it almost touched his ears.

The whole time I was crying my eyes out.

Actually, crying my eyes out would be better than being here right now. 

I mustered up enough courage to speak.

"Jussst pl-please get it over with, at least it isn't h-him."

Now there was no way that Matt was ever going to be like my brother (if he even was). Not after this.

Jim messed up my whole life.

I don't want to live anymore.

You know what? I think I have a superpower where I can faint on command.

Luckily I used that power in this moment as Matt nervously stepped towards me.

I need to get out.

Like right now.

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