Chapter 3

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***The chapters get longer I swear! Just bear with me, I promise I get better as the story progresses****

I woke with a start.


Shit, why do I keep doing that?

Now where was I? At least they took my blindfold off, maybe now I can see who they are.

I was lying on a shabby bed, the sheets probably hadn't been changed in years. Gross. The walls were much better: there was so much dirt and grime that the walls looked almost black.

I was jolted from my thoughts when a door rattled.

Hmm, I didn't noticed there was a door.

Great, now I am getting stupider by the minute.

"Hey, nice to finally wake up!" a blue-eyed man, well, not neccesarily man since he looked about nineteen, joked as he smirked at me.

I suddenly felt self-conscious.

"I-I am sorry?" I asked, looking up at him.

Whenever I don't know how to respond, I always apologize. I really don't want anyone to get mad at me, even if it isn't my fault.

He chuckled.

"Uh...thanks, I guess?"  he responded.

He gave me a smile that would make most girls melt. I wasn't going to have his looks change how I felt about him. He kidnapped me, so why was he being nice to me?

"Uh..ya, so, sorry, but, why am I here, and where am I? Oh, please don't get mad at me!" I nervously fidgeted with my hands.

"Well" my kidnapper took his arm and rubbed the back of his neck, probably thinking of a way to say, "well, we kidnapped you."

I looked up at him, trying to give him the biggest doe-eyes I could muster. I needed to look as innocent as possible, then maybe he will feel bad for me.

" can I say this..uh, we kidnapped you."

"Well DUH! That is the only thing I know!" I sassed back.

He glared at me.


"We kidnapped you because we, oh never mind, why am I even telling you?!"

Darn, so close.

"I just want to know why I am here, and, excuse me, what is your name?" I questioned, trying to be as polite as possible even though it killed me not to jump and attack him.

"Matt...hey, what's yours? Wait, kidnapped you...why am I being all nice. You are supposed to be quiet and afraid." he responded, pointed at me.

I silently laughed in my head. I could easily take down this guy, I have taken karate since I could walk.

"None of your business." I sing-songed.

He snarled.

"Don't push me, you just happen to get me in a good mood."

I grinned.

He started up again.

"Tell me or...or....or I'll get Jim and trust me, you don't want him to come"


"There. Wasn't too hard? That's a pretty-" he was cut off by the door opening and a man, about forty years old, whose face looked like sandpaper.

Matt was easy on the eyes, but this man? He was like the male version of a witch, oh wait, that's a wizard, well you get the point.

"Matt" he growled, like full on growled. "why are you complimenting it?" I was taken aback. Did he just call me 'it'?

"Well, I just wanted to try and get answers out of her, and by the way, she isn't an 'it' she's Sky."

Did Matt just really stand up for me? I will have to thank him sometime.

"Matt, give 'her' to me. We have some business to take care of."

What was he taking about? I don't even know this old mans name, how can we have business?

"C'mon! Not yet, I was actually having fun talking with her, she's quite sassy I might say."

I managed a smile at that.


Matt jumped and pushed me towards the ugly hag. I didn't realize but I had slowly been creeping towards Matt. I have new found respect for him, except when he pushed me towards his partner.

"Come with me, princess, let me show you around" Jim jeered.

I hated being called princess, but I knew when to hold my tongue. This was really a good time to hold my tongue.

Matt was sweet and funny and we were just playing around, but this man meant business, well he actually did, but anyways.

"Ow!" he gripped my arm so tightly I knew a bruise would form.

"Deal with it, there's more where that came from," he smirked.

"Wh-wha?" I couldn't finish because he had dragged me into a room. It shouldnt be called a room for clothes and trash littered the ground.

"Here" He gave me that same annoying smirk, but this time his brown eyes had darkened. Oh no. Was this his-

"Get on the bed," he snarled. This was his room.

"Wait, please, I am sorry, but can we just talk this through? Please don't hurt me, I just want to know."

"Ha, this isn't something where we talk," My eyes widened.

"Mister, please? I have money, not that much, but still, do you want money? Please, let me just talk, look, whatever you do, please don't kill me?? I can help you, I can work, make money, give me a chance! I won't run away, I won't talk, just please, just don't hurt me!!!" I sobbed.

I knew I had to tell him, I would do anything, I don't care, I just hoped he wouldn't kill me.

"Silly, silly girl, you have just one thing I want."

"What?!" I practically screamed. I had to know, we could work this out. I had hope. I wasn't religious at all, but for once, I prayed in my head that he wouldn't hurt me. I have so much potential!

"Hmm, you don't know? You little naive girl" he said as he walked towards me, twirling my hair in his grimy fingers. I shuddered.

"I am sorry, Sir, I don't know what you want from me?"

He learned in and whispered in my ear, "Think, I know you are one smart girl" His other hand that wasn't playing with my hair slowly made its way down my body.

Oh no, oh shit. How could I overlooked what he wanted? He wanted to take something from me.

My virginity.

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