Chapter 21

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"I-I heard Liam talk about police and then talking in the morning-"

Fear sparked in Zayn's eyes.

So he did want me gone but didn't want to tell me. I knew it.


"No no no! You got it kind of wrong. It-it's just that we need to know about this man. He hurt you and we need to tell the police. Somehow he found my number. He is stalking you, Sky, and he is dangerous. We would never kick you out."

I managed to smile through the tears. He didn't want to kick me out after all.

Silly me, now I am like one of those girls in those cheesy stories.

"Oh, but-but I can't go to the police!" I offically broke down. Cue the intense crying and freaking

Zayn's face showed sympathy.

"Please don't cry, Sky, we are only trying to help..."

"N-n-n-no! I don't want to talk about it! I-I-I just want to forget it, alright? Is that so hard to ask?"

"Sky, please listen to m-"

"Zayn, Sky, what the heck, why are you yelling so early in the morning!" Harry's deep voice barked at us, interupting Zayn.

"Nothing Harry, remember, we talked about it last night?"

Again, they had a secret eye converstaion leaving me feeling completely out of it.

Harry spoke to me.

"Sky, please don't cry, I hate seeing pretty girls cry" wait, did he just call me pretty? "And Liam, Louis, Zayn and I already talked about it last night, but we are calling the police, and there is no way around it. That's final"

Whoa, when did Harry become so strict?

My crying subsided.

"Well you didn't have to be so rude about it..." I whispered.

He laughed and so did Zayn. I gave them the 'look.' The 'look' being a look of confusion and anger.

"So, Sky, on another note, what do you want for breakfast?" Harry replied, acting like nothing had just happened.

I guess the 'look' didn't work on them. Oh well.


Harry shrugged and walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry he said that, but he is right, we are calling them."

"Can't we at least wait until after breakfast?" I pleaded. This time I tried puppy dog eyes.

Those worked for he gave in.


I fist pumped.

"YOUR FRUIT IS READY!" Harry screamed from the kitchen.

"HARREH SHUT UP!" Louis chimed from another room, obviously annoying having been woken up.

Zayn took my arm and pulled me up. Shit, I was still on the ground.

We walked hand-in-hand into the kitchen to a smiling Harry who handed me a bowl of fruit.

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks!" I squealed.

Harry and Zayn both looked at me funny.

"I think that is the happiest I have ever seen you....and it is only about fruit." Zayn chuckled as he spoke.

"But I love makes me so...happy" I concluded. He nodded and rolled his eyes. I huffed but smiled.

My fruit was gone in less than a minute. Shit, I should have spent longer eating for it would mean longer until the police would be called.

"Um, I'm going to the bathroom" I said as I quickly jumped up and ran out of the kitchen.

There was only so long I could spend in there, so eventually I had to get up and come back.

When I returned, Liam was there, holding a phone, staring at me.

I turned to run away, but someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

I struggled to get out, but whoever was strong and wouldn't let go.

I huffed and they laughed.

"Sk-y, you promised"


"Did I?" Did I? I don't remember. I had hoped me had forgotten.

Liam handed me the phone. Why couldn't they just talk?

I dialled 9-1-1 and waited for a voice.

I was shaking in fear, but nothing happened.

Thank the lords!

"Oops, I guess it doesn't work, oh well, maybe later" I said, shrugging.

"What? How could it not work?" Liam asked, impatient.

"I dialled 9-1-1 and nothing happened, so, I guess we can't call then..." I said a little to happy.

"Why would you call 9-1-1?"

"Because I was calling the police, right?"

They looked at me.

"No, it isn't. It is 9-9-9." Liam stared at me like I was dumb.

"No" I huffed "it isn't."

We were in the middle of a huge stare-off when Harry interupted. He likes to interupt people, doesn't he?

"Oh! I get it, it is 9-1-1 in America, isn't it?"

"Oh" I said, realizing my own stupidity.

Liam realized it too.

"Oh, sorry" we both said in unison.

"Here, I will dial it" Zayn spoke up. I nodded.

"Hello?...oh hi, this and I am filing a found person....yeah, oh, ok, see you, thanks" and he hung up.

I watched him, waiting for him to tell me what the person on the other line had said. Instead, he spoke to Liam and Harry.

"She said the police will be right over, just to wait and keep her safe"

"Hell-o?? I am right here you know!"

They all looked down at me, since they were like six inches taller than me.

I hate being short.

All of us were quiet for about five minutes until the door bell rang.

Zayn gave me another sympathetic glance as he went to open the door.

I don't know, but what got me even more scared was what was behind that door. Like in my dream, Zayn went to the door and Matt came.

What if Matt showed up?

"Hello Mister, may we come in?" a deep-British accent rang through the air.

Good, it wasn't Matt, but it was a police man.

When he saw me, a broken, crying, fragile little girl, he gave me a sad smile. He felt sorry for me.

He walked over to me and bent down, as if I were a kid.

"'Ello there, what's your name?"

"Sky..." I whispered.

"Ok, now, may I ask you a couple of questions?"

I looked at Liam who glared back at me. I nodded.

"Ok, now, I have some others coming in a few minutes, but, I just want to get started, we will have a lot of paper work to fill out. So, let's get started"

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