Chapter 15

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****Ok, I need at least one comment for the next update. I really don't feel that people are reading this...but yeah. I can't update tomorrow so that will give you extra time to comment, maybe? I don't know, just reading comments literally makes my day. Here you go! And you can comment what you think should happen or what you want to happen. I have a rough idea, but I could always use help! Thanks :) *******

(Sky's POV)

Shoot, I got it bad. He is just being a good friend, right?


I legit stared at Zayn for five minutes. Call me a stalker, but he is god dang gorgeous. Like seriously. His eyes, his hair, his body, his sweetness, his everythin-

"Good morning, like what you're looking at?" He smirked. I pretended to gag.

"Hey, you don't have to tell me, I already know" he playfully joked. I smiled.

It seemed so easy to be around him.

My stomach rumbled and Zayn looked up,

"Is someone hungry?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Nope, just my stomach wanted to talk to you, well duh!"

He raised his hands in defense.

"Fine fine, sure, but what do you want to eat?"

"It's ok, I should probably be goin-"

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" He asked me.

I was shocked. Ok...he does apparently care. I am just wasting his time, eating his food, and using his bed. Something inside me tingled when he said that though. I kind of liked it.

"Oh, ok, sorry" I mumbled.

I got up and looked down at the clothes I was wearing.

I gasped wide-eyed.

The clothes I had on shouldn't be considered clothes: my top was slutty enough without all the rips and tears on it. There were blood spots on it and my shorts were practically booty-shorts with a huge gash near my crotch. Shit I must look like a freaking slut. How embarrassing.

Zayn must have noticed my face turn beet red for I found him searching through his drawers.

He threw a Mumford and Sons shirt at me and some of his boxers.

"Here, are these alright? I don't think they will fit you but they are the smallest things I've got" He looked down at his feet. I smiled at his adorableness.

"Thank you, I love Mumford and Sons!" I really do. I went to one of their concerts a while back and just fell in love. Like I have said before, I really don't listen to music, but they are the one exception.

" back to the question, what do you want to eat? I have cereal, and I have cereal...and I have...cereal" I laughed again. Why does he have to be so dang cute?

"Ok, hmmm, hard decision, I guess, just surprise me" I finally said.

"Ok, I hope you like what you get..." he said in a teasing tone.

I was right about to put on the shirt he gave me when I remembered he was still in the room. How awkward. Then I realized I didn't know where the bathroom was.

"Um, where's the bathroom, I need to get changed..." I said awkwardly. I am a very awkward person.

"Turn left and then go straight. Tell me if you have any other questions, I will be downstairs if you need me." and he walked out.

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