Chapter 1

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Feeling of Betrayal


Sometimes life is like a rose.

When you look at it from an angle, it seems so pretty and harmless. Its colors in different tones and the different textures on it make it seem so soft and pure. Its captivating appearance seems to lure in the most innocent people filled with love.

But once you touch it, the little thorns seem to pierce through your soft and tender fingers. A little droplet of blood flows from the little mark as it begins to burn and itch. Life is like that. Just worse. The thorns become compared to knives being stabbed into your back by everything that has ever happened.

And the more swords, the more weight you start to carry and the harder it becomes for you to move. You bleed and fall so badly. But...Life can't stay like that. There is a balance to it. There will be someone to gently pull out the sharp and painful knives and help you heal, even if scars will be left behind.

"I want to break up." The young man said in his smooth and soft voice that sounded yet so fierce at this very moment. His black hair moved a little in the soft wind and his piercing blue eyes were staring right through mine. The cold and awkward atmosphere drowned us two even in the empty play park we were standing in right now.

"Why?" I ask as I clear my voice, trying not to sound as if I want to cry. My long silky brown hair, which reached down to the middle of my back, blew a little into my face. But I didn't mind. My hazel eyes with a hint of green were staring right back at his piercing eyes. The only difference between us was the way we looked at each other.

He showed no mercy.
I showed pain.

"I don't think we belong together. We don't agree with each other on anything. We always fight. I'm tired of that." He replied hastily.

"So... then what? All the 'I love you's' meant nothing to you?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"That's not what I meant Iri-" He was about to complete his sentence but I quickly cut him off.

"No. It's fine. I understand. You don't have time to work on us because you always hang out with your friends. You never spoke to me about anything because it was 'too much to handle'. We couldn't fight because 'no other couple fights like us'. And it's...what? My fault? It's fine. I understand." I sarcastically laughed.


"Bye Caden." I said remorsefully.

I turned away and took one step after the other. He didn't chase after me. Not even an inch. He just watched me walk away. Everyone knows that once they don't chase after you, it's over.

I held tightly onto the little bag hung over one side of my shoulder. It was a soft peach-pink color decorated with beautiful lavender-colored roses at different angles.

I nibble on the side of my lower lip, holding back my tears as I walk my way home by myself as I blame him for everything. I have done no wrong. He is the one that made me feel worthless in this life. I gave him my all but in return, I was given nothing but his harsh actions and words.

I didn't deserve that. So maybe it was God tearing us apart because he knew that Caden wasn't meant for me. But I have to admit... I did feel a part of me break at that very moment he said those five, cold, words.


I arrived home and greeted my mom with a big smile on my face.

"How was your little date?" She teased as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh...Yeah....uhmmm... About that. We broke up." I said nervously as I scratched the side of my wrist.

It was a habit I got from a young age whenever I got nervous.

"Oh. Welp. Didn't expect it to last long anyway. To be honest with you, I didn't like him. No offense." She shrugged as if it was nothing

"Haha. Okay. Well, I'm just going to try and finish some revising. Tell me when dinner is ready." I said softly.

She nodded and I walked upstairs to my room. I have to admit... her words did hurt a bit because even she knew we weren't meant for each other but yet I was so blind and got myself in this much pain. And yes. I am that nerd that revises everything throughout a vacation or whatever.

I sigh as I plop down onto my bed. I was tired. Not because I didn't get any sleep but instead because of what happened today. I'll just try to keep it a secret as much as possible. Plus, school is beginning in a month. Hopefully, I can get accepted to Summerville College.

I also hope Lexi gets accepted too. It would be a bummer if one of us ended up having to go somewhere else. It was SUPER hard to get into Summerville Highschool. You had to be really rich or have very good grades to get a scholarship. Now I wasn't the richest of the rich so obviously, I had to get a scholarship and that's why I'm praying that I get accepted.

My friends on the other hand get to worry less since they are rich rich. Except for Lexi. She also had to go for the scholarship part. Lexi Anderson was my best friend since middle school. We just randomly met and started talking.

We are the definition of inseparable. Without her, I'd be a goner.


A/N   Hello everyone😋
Hi to my previous followers of my old account I deleted and hi to my new followers? Lol. I don't really know what I'm going to do with this story but I know in which direction I'm planning it to go BUT if you want anything specifically included or for me to tag you, then comment, vote, and follow😁 Oh and the chapter title was inspired by my friend😂 Thanks if u ever end up reading this

your dearest author xoxo

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