Chapter 39

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A Specific Someone



*Ring. Ring. Ring*

Iris quieted down the alarm, groaning as the light hit her face. She sat up and stretched a little before rubbing her tired eyes and slowly opening them. Today is Tuesday.

She couldn't exactly tell if it was better than those dreadful Mondays or worse since it was still long before the weekend.

She wanted to lay in bed and sleep the whole day. Maybe watch a movie when she got the energy. But right now, she had nothing.

She finally got up, trotting away to the bathroom, brushing her teeth, fixing her morning hair mess, putting on clean clothes and shoes before grabbing her bag and making her way downstairs.

She was about to walk away but got pulled to the table by a familiar someone.

"Nah-ah. Not again young lady." Her mother signaled a 'no' with her index finger. She had a sly smirk plastered onto her lips and a mischievous look in her eyes.

It reminded Iris of a certain someone.

She smiled slightly and shook her head at her mother's actions.

"Eat up. I made the food today." Liam stated proudly as he walks away from the sink before putting himself bacon and eggs into his plate. Iris's dad was already eating away and her mom just chewed on a piece of bacon, watching Iris intentively.

"Your fav." Liam continued with a wink. She rolled her hazel eyes at him and looked down at the plate he pushed over to her. Her stomach started to roar like a lion.

Liam has been fully taken custody of by their mom and their real dad can no longer see them. He is also taken to prison for abuse for the next 24 years since he has abused Liam since he was a minor.

She dag in, feeling as hungry as ever. Her brother was clumsy and can not cook. But if there was one thing he was good at, it would be cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast. He made it taste different and delicious without trying. Something not everyone can experience the taste of.

"Gotta go. I'll be late if I don't get moving now. I love you guys!" Iris yelled as she jogged out the door.

She climbed into her car that was now newly repaired and squeaky clean. She made her way to school, putting on some music and vibing to it.

Today was a good day, it seemed.

She stopped at the parking of the school, turning off the car and climbing out. She made sure to lock it. She took in the cool breeze and the fresh air before walking into the school building.

She sorted out her locker as soon as she stepped foot into the school. It was her daily routine for her. She waited for a certain someone, but he did not come.

She sighed. It wasn't clear what she was feeling. Maybe sad. Maybe annoyed. To be honest, no one knew.

She made her way to her first class, but stopped at a locker that belinged to that certain someone. There were flowers and pictures everywhere, letters stuck onto it and cute stickers pasted with. It was only his locker that had thism

She continued her way to class, pushing back the unwelcomed thoughts. Amber waved happily at her and she returned the smile before sitting down next to her.

"And? How was your day?" Amber asked with a cheeky smile, wiggling her eyebrows but failing miserably which made Iris chuckle softly.

"Didn't begin yet. But so far, so good." She admitted with a nod.

Amber smiled softly and just then the bell rang. Students rushed into the classroom before the teacher could start. Iris did the usual. She scribbled down notes as soon as the teacher began speaking and made little doodles to go with the notes. It just complimented who she was.

It had been a month after the incident. Caden was sentenced to jail for a lifetime. Turns out he didn't only stab Nolan, but also did drugs dealing with young teenagers for three years now. He also raped a woman before Iris and Caden were together and beat up alot of people. He was your typical gangster.

Before Iris knew it, two periods have passed by. The bell rung again, indicating it was now the third. Gym class. She made her way over quickly and changed into her gym wear. She waited in the open as people slowly made their way there. The coach was just patiently waiting. Louis and Denis walked in, engulfed in a conversation with each other.

Her eyes scanned the room, looking at all the faces.

Just like this morning, that certain someone was not here.

She made her way over to the boys and they smiled at her.

"Hey guys." She smiled sweetly.

"Hey Iris." Denis happily greeted, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Sup." Louis nodded his head once and smiled at her.

The coach started giving instructions on what to do and everyone immideatly made their way over to the sections of their choice. Iris chose the 50kg weight and started lifting as soon as they were instructed to begin.

Iris remembered the warm touch of Nolan's presence when he helped her with the dead lifting and more. It reminded her of when he held her in his embrace, comforting her crying figure and how they kissed after the awkward moment. The feeling of his hands on her waist still lingered as she thought about it, but she quickly pushed the thought away, focusing on the weight instead.

She was proud of how far she has came with the help of Nolan. She doesn't know where she would have been now if it was not for him.

Bell rang again. Finally it was lunch time. Iris cleaned up and put on her normal wear again before making her way to a empty table in the cafeteria. She took out her lunch box and papers for Math and began to scan them, slowly opening the lid to her lunchbox.

Once it was fully open, she looked down and saw two eggs to represent as eyes, four pieces of bacon to represent as hair and a mouth.

It reminded her of someone. Someone special.

She smiled at the thought of him.

All seemed good. All seemed normal. Or so you thought.

There was nothing normal about that smile. There was nothing good about that smile. Because once you avert your eyes away from her smile and, rather, look into her eyes, you'd see the tears threatening to fall.

She longed to that specific someone.

But what could she do? Turn back time? If only that was possible...

No one in school, except for Amber and Adeline, knew about the bond the two shared. Everyone else only knew they were close. Not dating. She decided to keep it that way sothat she doesn't have to grieve as much. But she did wish to have him beside her, holding hands in the school crowd and letting everyone know they belonged together. So she wished. But of course, it was just a wish.

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