Chapter 37

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Truth Be Told


"Are you sure you're okay now?" Nolan softly questioned.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes in reply.

He sent me a soft smile and we walked out of the bathroom, luckily, no one was there to catch us walking out of the bathroom and we made our way back to the table.

We sat down as both Adeline and Caden eyed us with all kinds of emotions. Rage and curioisty. But what can I say? Curiosity killed the cat so I hope they trip on their way home and get hit by a car.

Too much?

"I thought you both hated each other?" Adeline said in a questioning manner, clear annoyance in her tone.

I opened my mouth to make up an excuse or a lie or something but Nolan cut me off.

"Yeah, well, we don't." He chirped in with a hint of anger and annoyance in his tone as he tilts his head, slightly, to the side.

Adeline clung to her fork in her hand for dear life as rage began to take over and make itself known to the surface.

"Well then... If you don't hate each other, what will be the correct word for you two?" Adeline huffed out again.

Caden just glared at me. A deadly look on his face as he holds onto the knife, and may I add, not a butter knife. I can already tell that he's probably planning to kill either me or Nolan.

Nolan looked at me, but I was busy nervously stabbing my food with the fork as I stared at anywhere but the people at our table.

"Love." He said, oh-so sweetly.

I turned to face him and saw him smiling at me in the most loving way I have ever seen. I didn't know if I should be angry at him for confessing the truth or relieved because the secret keeping is finally over.

"WHAT!?" Both Caden and Adeline yelled at the same time.

Adeline smashed her fork into her food, breaking the plate and Caden just simply glared at Nolan with death in his eyes, almost as if he was shooting lasers at Nolan and me.

"We're in a relationship." Nolan finally spoke out, only to earn a harsh kick to the shin from me.

"Ow." He mouthed and frowned at me as I just sent him a glare, but not the one Caden and Adeline was giving us.

"Iris. I thought I spesifically told you to. Stay. Away. From Nolan." Caden stated out the facts in a clear and hateful tone.

I mustered up the guts and took a deep breath before allowing my thoughts to spill out of my mouth.

"Well Caden, we're no longer together so you can't tell me what to do anymore. In the first place, you were never able to. I just listened because I liked you back then and was scared to loose you." I spat out harshly as I shot daggers at him with my glare.

I was nervous, I must admit. I scratched my leg a little but Nolan took my hand and placed it on his leg, intertwining his fingers with mine which instantly calmed me.

"Oh, come on. Just admit it! You still love me." Caden spoke like some psychopath in a high pitch voice.

"No. And I never will again. I moved on, Caden. I found a better life in Nolan. Now it's your turn." I retorted.

"Why can't you see it? Me and you, we have something between us. A bond, Iris." Caden spoke, half hurt.

"Me and you were over the day you said you want to break up." I spoke truth and he knew it as he sighed sadly yet fiercely.

"And you think what you and Nolan has, is something?" Adeline chirped in.

"It's not just something. It's everything." Nolan retorted as he squeezed my hand and I smiled, blushing at his words.

"You keep lying to Amber  Adeline. What do you think will happen when the truth comes out? You betrayed her. Betrayed our friendship." I dissapointedly stated.

"That will never happen, I made sure of it. And betrayed? Really Iris? Betrayed? Me? I told you I loved Nolan and you went behind my back and stole him from me." Adeline angrily stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"How can she steal me away from you if I was never yours in the first place? Plus... The truth always comes out." Nolan laughed as if it was a joke to him and signaled to behind him as he moved his body a bit.

Adeline scoffed and looked at whoever was standing behind me and Nolan.

"Adeline?" A voice said from behind us and I turned to look at the person, shocked to see us.

My eyes widened when I saw her.

"Amber?...It's not what it looks like-" Adeline tried to come up with an excuse but Amber cut her off.

"Oh it's exactly what it looks like." She shook her head in a dissapointed manner.

"I can't believe you made me leave one of my best friends. I hurt her because of you!" Amber snapped.

"I had no choice!" Adeline shot back.

"But you did! you could have just accepted fate that you and Nolan weren't meant! You could have just moved on and stay the good person you were! You had a choice! But no... Your choice was to ruin our friendship, hurt the people around us and be a b!tch!" Amber yelled softly, making sure that the people in the restaurant would not hear us.

There weren't alot of people here but it sure was loud with all the chattering from everyone.

"I-..." Adeline trailed off sadly.

"You what? What excuse do you have now?" Amber questioned sternly.

"Nothing." She shook her head, looking down at the plate infront of her.

"I'm going. I can't be here anymore." Amber shook her head and trotted away.

"Let's go." Nolan softly ordered me and I nodded as we stood up. He took my hand and we slowly walked off.

"Oi, Nolan." Caden stopped us and walked over to us as we eyed him in confusion.

"If I can't have her, no one can." He smirked and revealed the knife in his hand.

I flinched as he brought it to my chest but I felt no impact, but instead, heard a deep grunt and Nolan's hand leaving mine.

I opened my eyes and was immideatly traumatized.

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