Chapter 27

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Karma Is A B!tch



Iris pov

I woke up after sleeping like a little baby. My eyes were a little wet and they were burning. Probably because I cried last night.

I turned around, stretching until my eye caught Nolan. He was sound asleep, hugging his pillow tightly. He had a small frown on his face and it gave me a wicked idea.

For scolding me yesterday, I would draw on him with a permanent marker. Brilliant, right?

I pull out a permanent marker I brought along from my bag's pocket. I started drawing angry eyebrows on him and pretended to do makeup on him like a four-year-old would on a doll or perhaps a clown.

I also took my lipstick I knew wouldn't easily come off and drew lips on him. It looked funny I must say... the lips didn't even look like. He started moving and I quickly threw the stuff back into my bag, grabbing a towel and clean clothes, and ran out as fast as flash.

I straightened myself and stretched, a smile on my face. I felt victorious.

I heard Nolan walk out and turned to face him as he rubbed his tired eyes. He narrowed his eyes at me and I smiled at him which caused him to frown in confusion.

I walked away to the girl's showers as I heard Louis and Denis laugh at Nolan.

"IRIS!" I heard him yell after a few seconds.

"Yup. I'm victorious." I whispered to myself, proud of what I did.


Nolan pov

I heard shuffling around me and the tent door opened as someone walked out rather quickly. I opened my eyes, getting struck by bright light and a few people talking outside.

I headed out, rubbing my eyes before narrowing them at a figure that was stretching and turned to me. Wow. She looked amazing, even in the morning. She smiled at me and I frowned in confusion. Why was she smiling at me?

She turned away and walked to the showers like a little kid on their way to get ice cream.

Denis and Louis got out of their tent and looked at me with a straight face before bursting out, laughing like crazy animals.

"What!?" I screamed in a high-pitched voice.

Denis pulled out his phone and opened his front camera, handing it to me. I scanned the screen and my eyes widened, everyone laughing at me now.

"IRIS!" I yell out loud, my voice echoing through the forest and birds flying out of the trees after getting the fright of their lives.

"What did you do to make her that mad?" Louis laughed and I sighed.

"We argued yesterday. Well... I started it." I nervously admitted, Louis patting my back and Denis taking back his phone.

"Good luck my friend." He patted one last time and walked away to the showers with his towel in hand.

Denis went back to the tent to get his things and headed to the showers too. And since I surely needed a shower to wash my face. I grabbed my things too.


Iris pov

The row was long so I had to wait for a while to get a shower. After I cleaned up and brushed my teeth, I walked straight out and to the tent. I saw Nolan inside the tent with his phone reflecting his face from his front camera as he tries to clean it with a wet wipe and a bottle of sanitizer.

"Oh my gosh." I laughed. I saw him glaring at me through the phone and I walked in, putting my stuff away.

"Here." I threw my bottle of makeup remover at him and he effortlessly catched it in one hand.

"So we're friends now?" He asked after a while, cleaning his face with my makeup remover now.

"No." I said with a straight face and he looked at me with sad eyes.

"Iris, please hear me ou-"

"Just stop. Please. I came here to get away from all the trouble. Not to be reminded of it." I shook my head and walked out after I put on proper sneakers I could wear for a place like this.

Suddenly I was grabbed to behind a tree, a hand covering my mouth. I met eyes with piercing blue eyes.

"Shh." The voice of Caden hushed me.

He let go of my mouth and I grit my teeth at him.

"What do you want?" I coldly questioned.



He sighed and let out a maniac-like chuckle.

"This is another warning. I need you to stay away from Nolan. Or I kill him." He threatened.

"And how would you suppose I do that? I'm in a group with him." I explained with a sarcastic smile.

"You ask to join mine instead." He shrugged.

I giggled before leaning into his ear, standing on my tippy toes.


I pushed him, letting him fall back, which allows me to make a run for it. I didn't look back, I kept running to the camp.

I made a turn to our tent and crashed into someone.

"Oof." Me and the other person winced. I rubbed my nose and looked at the figure.

"Iris?" He asked, his eyes worriedly scanning my face.

This boy really made me confused.

I looked behind me and saw no trace of Caden.

"Stay with me." I blurted out. It came out of the blue. I didn't even have time to think the words as they just came out with no warning.

"What?" He seemed shocked to hear it coming out of my mouth.

Oh, flip the whole situation at school.

"Stay with me. Please. Don't go anywhere. Stay with me. Please." I begged over and over again as tears threatened to fall.

He pulled me into a comforting hug as I sniffed, holding back a wave of tears, as I tightly hold onto the sides of his shirt.

"Friends?" He asked after a long moment of silence, breaking the hug.

"Pfft. No." I chuckled, wiping away the tiniest of tears.

"But promise me you'll stay by my side." I begged.

No matter how much I hated him, I couldn't see him getting hurt. Not even a scratch.

"Promise." He breathed out, clearly disappointed over something.

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