Chapter 3

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Summerville College, Here I come


Okay. Deep breaths Iris. Deep breaths. You can do this. I take a step towards a big building in front of me before taking another one...and another one. I walk up a few stairs that lead to the main door of the building before walking in.

The place was crowded with people. Everyone was wearing their own unique sense of fashion while others just wore casual or oversized. I was one of the streetwear (oversized) category people. I had a black oversized t-shirt on that had a white and brown coffee cup printed on it, along with a baggy high waist, heart-printed jeans.

For shoes, I just wore normal converse shoes and did my hair into a high pony. I had a piercing on my right ear at the fold of my ear at the top. But you couldn't see it as it was a white piercing. I bite the side of my lower lip as I squeeze through the sea of people.

I walk next to the lockers in search of mine, number 216. I find it and open it with the keys that I got yesterday from school when I had to give them the letter that said I accept the offer of me joining with a scholarship and agreeing to all terms and conditions of it.

I take out all the books I didn't need right now and closed my locker again. I then head off to class because I don't know when the bell might ring yet. After a lot of searching, I found it and entered the classroom. It was pretty empty but it seems like Amber was also in this class.

"Hey girl!" She whisper yelled when she noticed me. I walked over to her with a small smile and sat next to her.

"Omg. Are you also in this class?" She asked with wide and excited eyes.

"This is classroom B11 right?" I asked and she nodded. "Then yes."

"Yessss! I don't have to worry about being alone in the morning anymore." She exclaimed as she pretended to wipe the imaginary sweat off her forehead. I just shook my head and laughed softly.

"Are you excited for this term?" She asked and I just shrugged in reply.

"It's going to be a lot of stress but I think it will be fun." I admitted and she nodded in agreement.

The bell rang and a lot of people stormed in, looking for a seat that was still open. I just looked down at the table. I hated it when a place was crowdy and loud. Eventually, it calmed down and the teacher walked in.

"Morning class. I'm Miss Harlow, I am your homeroom teacher. Just a few rules... don't eat in my class, don't drink anything but water, no walking around without my permission, and most importantly, no breaking down the classroom. If you keep by that, we will both have a good year." She greeted me with her pretty hamster smile which caused her eyes to disappear into a croissant.

I wish I had a smile like hers.

"Now. It will take me some time to get to know you all but for now, let's do the absents and start with the day, shall we?" She walked to her desk and started taking out a file and opening it to a specific page. She starts reading names to check for absence while she searches the room to see who the person was.

"Iris Harper?"

"Here." I replied carefully as I took a quick glimpse at the teacher when she stared at me before I looked back down again.

Why do I feel like everyone is staring at me?

"Iris, are you okay?" Amber quietly asked before I nodded with a small smile.

She smiled back and looked at the front again. I pulled out a book from my bag and started reading it as the class started to whisper around and the teacher finished doing absence.

Amber just started scrolling through her Instagram. We both were usually quiet around each other but she gets loud when she's with our other friend, her bestie aka Adeline Wright, and also....Amber was my ex's sister...


"Hey, Iris." Adeline smiled as I sat down with Amber.

"Hey." I greeted back with a small smile.

"I heard about you and Caden...I'm so sorry. He is such a jerk." Adeline nervously giggled. We didn't get to talk much between classes.

"Nah it's fine. That's on him. Not you. No need to apologize." I nervously replied.

"Damn I forgot about my brother... I'm sorry girl." Amber quickly apologizes. "No, seriously guys. Don't apologize. I'm happier than I've ever been." I reassure them, sending them a small smile.

Me and her were always awkward around each other ever since we found out I was dating her brother. I don't know why but it just never felt right. Maybe it was another sign to not be together with him? Hopefully, things get more comfortable between me and Amber.

"So. How was your first subject of the day?" Adeline asked me and Amber.

"It was okay. Me and Iris are in the same homeroom and the same English class." Amber proudly admitted.

"Oh, lucky. I'm stuck with Harold in homeroom." Adeline pouted.

"Oh, my word. Does he still have a crush on you?" Amber frowned as Adeline just gave her the 'what do you think?' look.

"He won't stop blabbing. That's all he is good for." Adeline whined as she let her head fall into her arms on the table.

"I think it's kinda cute." I laughed and they both stared at me. More like glared at me with confusion.

"What? He likes you that much, don't you think you should give him a chance?" I shrugged.

"I did." Adeline replied with a groan.

"You did!?" Me and Amber exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes. And he was too...I can't explain it... Too nerdy and clingy and cheerful and all for my taste." She pouted and Amber just shook her head.

"You need to lower your standards girl." I joked at her and she just lifted a brow at me.

"And you shouldn't?" She retorted back at me and I just pursed my lips at that comment.

"Yeah, but you might as well go date Harold. Isn't he your type?" Amber questioned curiously.

"No....they have to be a little hotter than that and if he has glasses, not the square ones like Harold." I explained nervously.

My type has always been 'someone hot with little imperfections'. But it has also always been someone wayyyyy out of my league.

"Yup. I wish you luck in finding that person with a good heart and good looks." Adeline sarcastically said.

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