Bonus Chapter 51

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Only for those who want to know what happened to Alex, but you can also imagine your own story (;


"No, that test did not make sence. Half of that stuff was things we weren't told to study! I'm so glad it doesn't count for most of your report points." Amber complained. "I found it pretty easy and understanding, though?" I shrugged carelessly.

"Duh! You always spend your vacations studying!" She retorts with a roll of her eyes. "I do not! English or any language in specific is just very easy for me." I defend with an innocent smirk. "Of course it is. What isn't?" She continues her complaints directed at me.

Suddenly the chants of an entire crowd fill the halls, ringing in my ears and creating a surge of worry throughout my body. "FIght, fight, fight, fight!" "Again? Is there a day that this school doesn't have a fight going on?" Amber chuckles, folding her arms.

"I swear, if it's Liam again, I am so telling mom. I'm not saving his butt this time." I shake my head,turning the corner into the cavateria from where the chants were coming from.

"Sis!" Liam runs over to me, his face pale as if he saw a ghost and out of breath. "Well then, I can officially say I'm proud that you've proven yourself to be a good boy." I chuckle jokingly.

"What?" He asked confused, looking at Amber in hopes of earning an explanation. "Oh, she thought you were in a fight agaiin." Amber shrugged in reply. "It's probably just Josh then. He always ends up in fights whether it was intended or not." I shrug, not thinking much about the situation. "What? No. Nolan is fighting that Alex dude." Liam quickly ushers me.

My eyes widen as realisation hits me. I quickly push through the crowd, feeling a sence of deja-vu as I excuse myself for my rude manners and make my way to the front to see what is going on.

Nolan was under the grip of Alex, blood surging out of a gash on his lip and dotted red marks of bruisings visible on his face as Alex punches him once.

I stomp over to Alex, pushing him onto the cold hard floor before he can punch Nolan a second time. "What are you doing!?" I yell, glimpsing between Alex and Nolan.

"Really? Your'e standing up for that jerk?" Alex questions, pointing a finger accusingly at Nolan. "You dated him?" Nolan suddenly spoke, standing up and putting a hand over his sore chest.

"What? No. Where did you get that idea fro-" "Him." Nolan replies, nudging his head towards Alex. I shoot Alex a deadly glare, having a sudden urge to kill him on the spot.

"Alex? I thought I told you before. I only see us as friends." "But the date-" "It was a hangout! A friendly hangout and you even agreed that it was!" I snap. The crowd around us start to voice their opinions with whispers and 'ooh'-s.

"Why are you two fighting anyway?" I finally question, glaring at Nolan who seemed to, once again, accompany himself in another useless fight. "Ask him. He walked up to me and punched me." Nolan pointed at Alex, shooting daggers at him with his eyes.

"What can I say? You're dating a jerk that left you broken! I was there for you when you were your lowest! Where was he? Because I definitely didn't see him! And now he's ,what? Back? For how long!?" Alex voices his complaints, raging in anger like a flame being powered with gasoline.

"He was in a damn hospital!" I state, finding the situation way too childish and stupid. It was dumb. It was a misunderstanding but it angered me that the only thing Alex could do, was jump to conclusions. Since day one, I knew he was way too good for his innocent smile. He was trouble. And not in a good way.

"Oh." Was all he could muster out. "Exactly. So next time, watch it." I warn before grabbing Nolan by his wrist and dragging him off with me. Immideatly, the crowd started chatting and whispering, moving to their seats in the cafeteria.

"Iris-" "Not a word." I warned. I dragged him all the way to the nurse's office and allowed the nurse to take care of him. "You couldn't just walk away?" I finally voice my thoughts, narrowing my eyes at him.

"What was I supposed to do when he kept speaking about how he could treat you better and how he took you on the date-" "And you just believed that?" He went silent. Looking away and shrugging with furrowed eyebrows. "I mean, yeah. I guess..." He sighs sadly.

"Don't you trust me?" I ask, feeling slightly offended that he would even think that I would be dating someone else when I had him. "I trust you. I just don't trust myself." He states, insecurity blooming inside him and making itself visible.

"Nolan..." I start, sitting beside him and leaning my head on his shoulder, being careful as to not put pressure on his new bruisings. "No one could ever treat me better than you." I continue, closing my eyes as I take in his scent. I will never not-love the comforting feeling it gives.

"Still." He utters, leaning his head against my own. "Do you love me?"I questioned. "Yes." He replied like it was a fact. No hesitance. "Do you trust me." "Always." "Then trust me when I say that you are the only one. I had hope when no one else did. I waited when everyone got ready to move on. I will do it again and again if I have to. As long as it's you I'm doing it for." I assure him.

He smiles, before letting out a chuckle. Instantly, I could feel the atmosphere lift. "Is it true though?" He questions with a husky-like chuckle. "What?" I couldn't help but let out a short chuckle too. "That my own friends gave up on me?" He questions.

"YuP." I replied, popping the 'p' sound. "What friends I have. I'm going to have to have a chat with them about this." He offendedly scoffs, making me chuckle.

"Just don't tell them I told you." I mutter through fits of laughter. "I won't." He chuckles in reply.

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