Chapter 40

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Love Die Young


It is the subject after break, business studies. Iris drew pictures of little puppies and cats. There was one picture with a husky and a black cat that rubbed itself against the husky.

Then there was another with two cats that leaned against each other as their tails created the shape of a heart. The teacher soon walked in with a tall, tanned skin boy. He had light brown hair with an undercut. He was thin but muscular.

He had ocean blue eyes and a smile to die for. At least that's what the class thought. Iris was more interested in her doodles.

"Morning class. Today we have a new student joining us. Would you like to intruduce yourself?" The teacher questioned the boy in her soft loving tone.

"Hey. I'm Alex Huntsman, a transfer student from Autralia. Nice to meet you." He replied in a deep husky voice that fit his accent perfectly. Everyone adored him.

"Thank you Alex. You may take a seat wherever you like." The teacher nodded at him. He made his way to an empty seat that was next to a daydreaming figure.

To him, she seemed so breathtaking and gorgeous. He sat down with his notebook that was just tempory for today. He planned on getting the necessary books after school and only then to sort everything out.

"Hey." Alex whispered to the girl beside him as soon as the teacher started doing her job.

Iris eyed him and smiled in a confused manner before going back to taking notes and doodling away.

"What's your name? I'm Alex." He happily chirped.

"I know." She said, not sparing even a glimpse at him. She showed no interest in him what-so-ever, but he didn't give up.

"Let me guess your name... Hmmm... Betrecia? No, you seem too innocent for that name. Hannah?" He questioned jokingly.

She side eyed him for a split second before looking back at her book.

"No? Okay... What about... Gabrielle?" He continued with a sly smirk.

Iris sighed and plopped her pen onto her book before shooting a glare at him.

"Iris." She finally answered before picking up her black pen again and scribbling everything down in neat and perfect handwriting. It almost seemed too pretty to be real.

"Iris. Iris." He repeated, testing the name on his tongue.

"Well you have a pretty name, Iris. It suits you." He continued with a sweet warming smile.

"Hm-hm." Iris hummed, not looking at him.

Bell rang again and Iris had off so she just decided to make her way to the cafeteria, but someone stopped her by pulling her by her wrist.

"Can I have your number? Sorry... You're just...too pretty to resist." He shrugged with a soft smile.

She sighed. She knew he was not going to give up any time soon. She pulled his hand closer to her and scribbled down her number on it with the first pen she could find. With that, she walked away.

Alex felt proud. He hoped she did not have someone to call her theirs. He wanted her to be his and his only.

Iris sat on the empty table in the cafeteria and started reading book. She sighed when she was interrupted halfway through her favorite part by a vibrating phone. She took it out and saw tons of messages from an unknown number.

Hey Iris

It's me, Alex


Are you in class right now?





Are you ignoring me? 😏




Iris rolled her eyes and tiped in: stop

She put her phone away after putting it on mute and continued reading her book.

Time passed by quickly and she could now go home, but she needed something in the library for a assignment before she could go.

She searched through all the books, trying to find the one she was looking for. She sighed when she couldn't find it and turned around to just head home.

"Iris." A voice boomed the library.

She shot a glare at the person and frowned when she saw Alex. In his hands was the book she wanted.

"What are you searching for?" Alex questioned the frowning girl infront of him. She was much shorter than him.

In his eyes, she was cute and fragile, even with the frown on her face. It only made her look more of a baby.

"That book you are holding in your hands, but I see you are busy with it so I might as well just go home." She sighed out and turned to walk away but stopped her.

"Wait. Here, you can have it." He handed her the book to which she just stared at. There wasn't any other book that was exactly the same in the library so she wondered whether she should take it or not.

"Don't worry. I have a whole library at my house." Alex laughed.

Iris eyed him with confusion before taking the book and turning to walk away again, but just like last time, she was stopped in her tracks.

"No thank you?" He pouted. As an answer, she glared at him and walked away again.

A person suddenly turned the corner to where Iris was heading and completely pushed her over.

"Sorry!" The person whisper yelled as they ran away from the scene.

The book and papers Iris was holding flew everywhere. She didn't sigh or anything, but just picked up the things that fell.

Alex came to her aid, helping pick up the things and lending her his hand to pull her up. Iris stared at it, hesitating whether she should or not. She made a decision and accepted his help as he pulled her up.

"Thanks." She whispered and trotted away. Alex smiled and caught something shiny on the floor.

It was a little golden heart necklace. There was pretty patterns on it that made it stand out more. He never seen a necklace quite like this. But he knew he could use it to his advantage to get the attention of Iris, especially if it meant alot to her.

He was going to give it to her tomorrow morning.

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