Chapter 24

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Truth Spoken



Nolan pov

After the incident that happened yesterday in the janitors closet, she started to show up in gym class again. She probably used to hide there and I could see why. Everyone was staring at her and whispering about her. She looked anxious. I wish I could comfort her.

But I got the perfect opportunity after being told that we were going on a trip in the upcoming vacation that would start in two days on Thursday. It was a trip with activities of all sorts and we would come back by next week Wednesday.

I had a plan in mind and to succeed in it, I had to beg the coach to do something for me. But I will ask him after class. Or perhaps now.

"You have today off so enjoy. Remember to bring the money before the trip!" He exclaimed as everyone separated into all directions.

Iris sat in the corner of the room with a book in her hands. I guess she had to find ways to keep herself busy since she was all alone now.

"Coach." I softly called out, making him stop in his tracks as he was about to walk away.

"I need a favor..." I nervously started.


Iris pov

After finding out about the trip, I didn't know if I wanted to go or not. It will concist of many activities, especially group activities. But if I were to not go, I would make my brother find it suspicious and tell our parents about everything that I begged him not to spill.

I first let my mom know about it and she said dad would hand the money tomorrow. I thanked her and pulled out a book. I liked reading, but coming to such extent where it was the only thing I was able to do, sure made me tired of it by now.

Maybe going to the trip won't be so bad after all? Fresh air, more things to do other than reading and so on.

The bell soon rang and I went about. It was like any other day, but for some reason I didn't get beaten anymore. Louis and Denis sat by me during lunch, saying they realized I was lonely. I finally had some laughter again here at school. I quickly went to the bathroom and saw Adeline and Nolan standing outside one of the classrooms.

I couldn't hear what they were saying and I didn't really care either so I just went to the bathroom, did my thing and walked back out after rinsing my hands.

"Iris." A smooth honey voice echoed the hall barely.

I turned to face the person. This time, it wasn't Nolan. It was someone else instead.

"Caden." I softly breathed out, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Gosh, do I love how my name rolls off your tongue." He chuckled with a smirk.

"Is that all you wanted to say? Okay, bye." I was about to walk away but he slammed me against the wall. I looked around to see if Nolan and Adeline was still around but they weren't.

"Don't get fiesty with me, love." I hated how he called me love.

"Last time I checked, you were the one who broke it off with me so don't you even dare to call me that." I spat at him.

"Oh, love~ I love it when you get angry. But you're too stubborn. Calm down for me." He whispered before leaning in to kiss me on my neck.

I struggled and tried to yell but he put his hand over my mouth and pinned me against the wall as he started to leave hurtful kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes tightly as tears streamed like rivers out my eyes. He suddenly stopped and I no longer felt his hand over my mouth or pinning me, making me fall as my knees were weak.

I opened my eyes and he was on the floor, his nose bleeding badly as he groaned in pain. Strong arms picked me up and carried me away from te scene.

"Liam." I whispered as I saw my brother's face.

He ignored me and carried me all the way to the nurse's room. He sat me down on a chair and grabbed some stuff from a table.

He walked over to me again and started pressing things against my neck.

"That d!ck left a damn hickey." He hissed out in anger.

"You should have told me." He said, a little hurt that I didn't.

"It was the first time Caden did that."

"I don't mean that. I mean when you got beaten. I had to find that out from Louis and Denis after they said they couldn't find you and asked me to help." He hurtfully explained.

"I didn't want you to tell mom and dad. They would make me move schools. Make you move school. I can't risk that." I explained myself.

"And because of Nolan. You like him, right? That's why. He's a backstabbing b!tch Iris."

"Why does everyone think I like Nolan? I hate him, Liam!" I whisper yelled.

"Really!? Because it doesn't look like that. The way you look at him says it all."

"I. Like. Louis. Not him." I strictly uttered out.

He sighed and put everything down before hugging me.

"You might not know it, but I do. What you feel for Louis is just a small attraction. But you love Nolan. Stop lying to yourself." He softly whispered in my ear.

I was shocked to hear it. Especially coming from my own brother's mouth. He knew me better than I knew myself.

Two days have passed and I was surrounded by Louis, Denis and Liam for protection against whoever was to come after me. So far there was no one really. Louis and Denis protected me at school. Liam protected me when I wanted to go somewhere in public. Creepy but I got to have conversations with everyone and socialize more.

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