Chapter 7

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Annoyance To The Ears


I came downstairs to grab some food before heading back up, but of course, my brother just had to come out of his old room he used to sleep in when he was still living with us. He looked at me before opening his mouth to speak but instantly closed his mouth again and looked away.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his wrist before dragging him with me to my room and closing the door.

"Explain yourself." I strictly ordered as I sat down on my bed, not really wanting to eat now so I just rest the plate on my lap.

He gulped and nervously sat down in front of me as he sighed softly and opened his mouth to speak, no words coming out for a few seconds.

"I did start it...But I didn't think it was going to end this bad. No lies or excuses included this time." He admitted sadly yet scared.

"Why?" I asked, hoping there was a good reason for it. I knew he wasn't someone who would just do something for no reason, but when he gets into fights, it could be for stupid reasons sometimes.

"He made fun of you and me. He thought you were my girlfriend since I was talking to my friend about you and he started questioning what I see in you and all soooo...I snapped." He replied, looking down at his hands as he plays with his fingers like a nervous little kid.

"What else did he say?" I asked, getting genuinely mad at what that Nolan dude has done.

"I can't say...It was... it's ...." He now said in a strict yet sad and worried tone.

"Liam." I warned in a strict tone like a mother would warn her child if he was about to do something bad. He sighed and looked at the empty wall before looking back at me with pursed lips.

"To make it simple... that we are worthless." He nodded slightly before clenching his fists as tears erupted from his eyes and threatened to fall.

I put my food aside and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back and started crying into my shoulder. For years we have been called things because of the circumstances we lived in and how different we were.

We always had to pretend to be someone we weren't just to get accepted by one person and still being hurt by the end of the day. Because of that, my brother always got into fights and got more anger issues than he used to have.

He always stuck up for me and I stuck up for him. We had each other's back. But sometimes... having each other's back...hurt us more than anyone would think. Because it was just the two of us. We were alone. 2 people against the world. 2 people who knew nothing of fitting and being strong on our own.

It was always just the two of us since day one. Ever since mom and dad divorced, dad forbid us to see each other but Liam would sneak to us and mom would allow it. She never told dad that Liam was here. But these days, I'm starting to think dad could be abusive because Liam always has a mark on him even if he wasn't in a fight and it was more of an object that was thrown mark than a fight mark.

"Iris...?" He softly whispered as he pulled away from the long hug and wiped his tears, looking at the ground where his foot hung off the bed before looking back at me with sad doe eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked, waiting for his question that seemed like it could be important.

"Your food. You need to eat it. Mom will kill you if you don't." He laughed and I just frowned.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" I asked, hoping there was more and that he wasn't keeping things for himself again. The last time he did that, I had to drag him out of trouble with the police.

"Yeah. Why?" He asked confused.

I just shook my head and took the plate before giving him a bite of meat that he loved so much. He giggled as he chewed on the piece.

"Promise me that whenever something is wrong, you'd tell me. I always feel betrayed and sad when you don't." I giggled sadly.

"Promise." He replied after he swallowed the piece and connected his forehead with mine. We always did this for some reason. Mom always teased us and said we were like that 'Peter Rabbit' movie where the bunnies would apologize to each other.

I smile as I get an evil idea. I move less than one inch away from him and charge my head at his with full force.

"Ow!" He pulls away and rubs his forehead in pain as he glares at me while I just laugh my butt off even though my head hurts from the impact.

"This is why I hate you." He said sarcastically as he pointed his index finger at me as he was pointing at the most disgusting thing ever.

"Oh, you love me too much to hate me." I said with a smirk and he just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Okay. Now get out of my room so that I can eat before I lose my appetite again." I strictly ordered.

"Oh? Is that so? Okay then Mrs. Duality." He sarcastically teased as he walked out like a sassy girl, flipping his invisible long hair in the air as he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

I laughed so hard, I could have peed my pants if I drank something a few seconds ago. I take a deep breath as I calm down and start to eat my food.

"Gosh. It's cold now." I pout after I took a bite of the potato. I hated it when potatoes were cold. It made it taste a lot more disgusting for some reason. Just me?

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