Chapter 44

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Yesterday I forgotten to give the test to my parents. It was so unlike me. I quickly headed downstairs and propped the paper down onto the table with a pen.

"A test? Why didn't you give it yesterday?" My mother questioned as she scanned it.

"5 out of 70!? Iris!" My mom was beyond shocked.

"It was a surprise test." I tried to use as an excuse.

"That isn't an excuse! This is your best subject and you never study for it!" My mother yelled. My brother and father heard the commotion and came downstairs.

"This is the fourth test you bring home that looks like this! I don't know what to say..." My mom shook her head dissapointedly.

"What happened to you? Where is my happy, motivated, confident and smart daughter?" My mother frowned sadly at me.

I stayed quiet for a while as everyone just watched. My mom reluctantly signed the the test and handed it to me.

"What happened to her?" She continued.

I grabbed the test in silence and made my way to the door, opening it before halting in my footsteps.

"She died." I said before closing the door behind me and walking off. I drove to school and did my usual routine after I entered the building. Louis and Denis walked towards me but I just ignored them and quickly walked away, making my way to class.

Alex was there and I hesitantly sat next to him.

"Are you okay?" He carefully asked.

I sent him a soft smile and nodded assuringly.

The lesson started and went by in the blink of an eye. It was another period of a boring business studies. Everyone handed in their tests and so did I.

"Are you free after class?" Mrs. Trance, the teacher, suddenly questioned me.

I nodded in reply to which she opened her mouth to speak.

"I want to talk to you after the bell rings." She stated.

"Sure." I agreed and, with that, she walked off.

"Do you know why?" Alex suddenly asked.

"I think it's because I recently kept failing my tests." I nervously replied and he nodded.

"I can help tutor you?" He asked with a kind smile.

"No, I'm okay. Thank you though." I smiled and he nodded, mouthing a 'no problem' to me.

"Hey, Alex?" I hesitantly spoke after a while.

"Yeah?" He asked back, scribbling down the things the teacher was writing down on the board.

"Thank you... for helping me yesterday and worrying, I guess." I hesitantly spoke.

"Anytime." He said with a smirk, nudging my waist with this shoulder. I smiled at him.

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