Chapter 20

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Secret Between Us?


The weekend passed by somewhat quickly and it was already school. Monday. Which meant gym class. I woke up in a rather excited mood today and happily did my morning routine before skipping down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Someone's happy today." My dad said with a lifted brow. He was sitting on the kitchen table, waiting for the breakfast that my mom only made once a month.

"Woke up in a good mood." I pecked my dad's forehead before walking over to my mom.

"What are we making?" I asked as I peeked over her shoulder where she was cutting the toast with ham, cheese, and tomatoes.

"Don't you even dare." My mom eyed me warily as I had my eye on one of the slices.

I looked at my mom before looking back at the bread and nodding, walking away slowly as both my parents watched me. My brother was at dad's house... Not that I was proud of that.

"Iris." My dad warned but I ignored him as I put my hands behind my back and leaned back more as I walked away. Just when my mom faced the bread, I grabbed four slices of bread.

"Iris!" Both my parents yelled as I stuffed one slice into my mouth and made a run for it, grabbing my lunch box and pushing all of the toast in, grabbing my water bottle as my mom chased me out of the house.

She threw her shoe at me but I quickly closed the door and ran down the street. My car was taken to a car repair shop as its tank had a massive hole in it so I had to walk.

I stopped running and finished eating my slice of toast. I was only allowed to have two but I always took double the amount, because... why not?

I soon arrived at school and sorted out my locker, taking everything I needed and leaving the rest. I cheerfully walked to class as my day has officially begun.

The first few periods went by in the blink of an eye and before I knew it, I was in the changing room for gym class. I put on comfortable gym wear and headed to the gym where we were told to meet the coach.

Almost everyone was already there, the rest coming in one for one as they start to chat and walk around.

I spotted Nolan with his buddy, aka Louis. They were both chatting and laughing about random things while I stood and watched them from a distance.

The coach walked in and told us what we had to do. There were once again stations where you had to complete a certain exercise, but it was a whole lot different. There were new things. One of them were the bicycle, ropes, smaller weights and a random little step next to the weights.

We were to do simple things first like push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges before heading straight into the next few things. But we got to choose what we wanted to do this time so I went for the bigger weight that I was supposed to do a squat with. Never done that one before.

I picked up the weight slightly to my torso and did a squat but miserably fell back. I looked around to see if anyone witnessed that and no one did except for... Why, of course Nolan did.

He walked over to me as I attempted to lift again but he made sure to stop me.

"Stop. You're just going to fall again. I don't need you falling for me for the third time again." He winks jokingly and I roll my eyes, letting out a scoff.

"Oh, please. I'd be blind if I had to ever like you even the slightest bit." I admitted with a disgusted expression while he just shot me a glare which caused me to choke out a laugh.

"Keep your legs apart and bring the weight a little more up and your knees more out so that the weight doesn't hit you upside down." He ordered and I did as told but struggled in all ways.

He let out a chuckle and walked to my side. I lifted the weight and he pushed my legs a little apart from each other with his foot as he gently holds onto my waist. I squat and he pulls my knees a bit more out and I parted my lips as a groan left them from the muscle burn I was feeling.

He laughed and I got back up with a struggle, but better than before.

I watched him walk to the little weights next to me and do lunges with them while I squatted with the weight I held.

"If you asked me, I would do it again." He said out of the blue.

"Do what again?" I questioned confusedly.

"Go through the trouble to take care of you." He chuckled as he looked at me for a moment before looking in front of him again.

I felt a wave of heat grow onto my cheeks after those words left his mouth. My heart started racing faster than the speed of lightning. I didn't know why I was reacting like this.

"W-Why?" I nervously wondered what the reason could be. I watched him shake his head as he let out a very soft chuckle and look back up at me. He puts the weights down and walks toward me. I take a step back when he leaned his head to the side of my face and I felt his breath hit my neck as it sent shivers down my spine.

"You don't need to know why. Keep minding your own business, princess." He whispered into my ear like it was some secret between us of some sort.

I got goosebumps and he looked back at me with a victorious smirk before ruffling my hair and leaving me gobsmacked in my spot when the bell rang. It was lunch now.

I shook my head and dropped the weight before awkwardly walking to the changing room and putting on my casual wear again after cleaning up. I put on some perfume and went straight to the cafeteria after grabbing my bag.

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