Chapter 14

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Bad Boy? More like softy


"Mrs. Madi used to be babysit Nolan when he was young."

"He had a babysitter?" I asked, holding in a blast of laughter that badly yearned to escape my mouth.

"Yup." He replied, popping the 'p' before taking a sip of the apple juice he got along with the food.

"Did his parents have to work late or...?" I questioned with a small frown, finishing the chicken wing I seemed to have been chewing on for quite some time now.

"Yeah. But Mrs. Madi was the first to actually stay and take care of him. She still sometimes goes to visit him and make sure everything is still good. She even came to work here to keep an eye on him even more." He chuckled cutely. Omw. His laugh is so adorable.

"What do you mean the first to stay?" Adi chirped, her eyes filled with curiosity and her face already speaking the words 'I'm interested in Nolan Morelli'. I don't know what that girl saw in him but good luck to her. That guy seems like a 'no-to-go' guy.

(Meaning he seems uninterested.)

"Let's just say... He had tons of babysitters before Mrs. Madi and they all left in a week. Nolan made them so mad that they even called the police and they thought that the babysitters were trying to play pranks on them." Louis laughed, his adorable gummy smile making itself known to the world.

"Oh my gosh. That bad?" I laughed along. I wasn't interested in Nolan, but seeing Louis laugh so much made me go as far as pretending to be interested in the story.

"Yup! He once took out a fake gun from his pocket, but it looked so real and his facial expression was as straight as a ruler's. So when he pointed it at the babysitter, she told his parents that their son is a psychopath and needs to go to a mental hospital." He laughed more but stopped and groaned when he got hit in the head with someone's hand.

It was Nolan. But I could care less now.

Louis shot Nolan a playful death glare but after he saw Nolan's annoyed face, he plastered on a smirk that would stay in your head for days.

"You knew Nolan since then?" I curiously questioned. I didn't know how one would be able to last with a guy like Nolan for so long.

"Ehhh. Kinda. Me and him used to fight back then. We only saw each other when our families had dinner together since we were neighbors and our parents were best friends." He replied with thé cutest smile one could ever witness.

"Yeah. And back then I was able to throw you with a knife and I still am capable." Nolan spat threateningly at Louis who only held his hands up in defeat.

"Wow, wow. First of all, ouch. Second of all, no thanks. You did it once and left a pretty big scar. Not again." Louis nervously laughed while Nolan chuckled a little, still staring right through Louis's soul.

"Where's Denis?" Louis questioned Nolan, looking around for his chatty and flirtatious friend.

"Like always. With Mrs. Madi, telling her alllll about me and my behaviors." Nolan replied to Louis sarcastically. I didn't know if he was lying or actually telling the truth.

"Wow. He hates you that much still?" Louis laughs as he takes a grape and chews on it before gulping it down not soon after.

"Yup. Just waiting for Mrs. Madi to throw me with her scandal." He replied with pursed lips, allowing himself to sit down between me and Louis.

Nolan took a quick glimpse at Adi and immediately a blush rushed up from her neck to her pale cheeks. Tell me she couldn't be more obvious.

"It's fine. Just invite yourself to sit down at our table." I mumbled but clear enough for everyone at our table to hear it. Nolan shot a glare at me, but more in a playful manner than a serious and hateful glare.

"I doubt Mrs. Madi would ever do that. She did it once and immediately bought you a box full of chocolates that had apology letters printed on them." Louis recalled the memory, saving me from the soul-eating glare that Nolan gave me.

"True." Nolan shrugged.

"Yo!" A cheerful and familiar voice called out.

We all turned to face the voice and a 'hard to not notice' figure came to view. Denis. He had a tray of all sorts of food in his hands and he walked like he was some kind of gangster. His outfit of the day was an oversized gray t-shirt that had a pug with sunglasses printed on. He had baggy black pants and sneakers with white laces.

Did I fail to mention the pug was smoking weed?

"Yo, Denis." Both Louis and Nolan sang in harmony.

He placed his tray down on the table and sat down, legs spread wide open as he leans forward and takes a massive bite out of the yummy-looking burger.

"You didn't get food today?" Denis questioned with a small frown, but it was hardly noticeable as he was clearly enjoying his food. Another food lover. I'm glad.

"Nah. Didn't feel hungry." Nolan shrugged. For some reason, a hint of worry sparkled in my brain but I pushed it into the far back corner of my mind.

But it didn't help after Louis and Denis sent a worrying look to each other.

"I said I'm not hungry. That's all. Stop with your pitiful overreacting. It's starting to get on my nerves." Nolan furiously spat as he stood up and walked away, not even glancing back at his friends.

Denis sighed and put his food down, clearly not having an appetite anymore. Funny how a simple person can always ruin the mood.

"Uhm..." Amber awkwardly looked around, nervously tapping her index finger on the table.

"Bell is going to ring in a minute so I'm off to class. Ciao." She quickly excused herself, dashing off and pulling an annoyed Adi with her.

"He'll get over it." Louis patted Denis's back before placing his hand next to the tray and staring at the last bit of fruit on the tray which consisted of grapes, strawberries and mango.

Okay, now I'm seriously curious about what's going on.

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