Chapter 10

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Awkward gym session


After I finished working, I headed to the gym that Nolan told me about. I don't know why I was doing this but maybe it was because I felt insecure back there at the school gym. I entered the building and they asked for my ID and name. I was about to hand it in until Nolan walked up to me and smiled at the guard.

His hair was slightly wet and his shirt had a few wet spots so it seemed like he had been working out before I came here.

"She's with me." Nolan stated and the guard nodded with a smile before Nolan assisted me to an elevator and pressed the button of the top floor.

"Since when does a building not ask for ID because of a member of the gym?" I asked curiously.

"Since my dad is the owner of the company." He replied with a playful grin and my eyes widened.

"O-oh..." I stuttered.

"Yup. So we're going to a private room if you were worried about people staring." Nolan calmly stated out for me and I nodded.

The elevator doors opened and we walked out towards a door. Nolan opened it and there was a whole gym inside. It was neatly organized and seemed so clean.

"Okay. Let's start off with the 30kg you got from coach today." He said as he took a sip from his water bottle. I put my bag down and walked up to, what seemed to be, the 30kg weight. He calmly strolled over to me and pointed at it.

"Pick it up." He ordered.

I did as he said and picked it up to my knees before bouncing it to my chest in a struggle and then above my head before dropping it down and nearly falling over.

"Hold it quickly but don't pick it up." He ordered as he observed what I did. I wrapped my hands around the pole as he showed me before.

He then took his one foot and moved mine a little more apart from each other.

"Pick it up to your knees." He ordered and I did as told, standing straight as my legs wobble slightly.

"He touches my back and it sends a wave of warmth to the area he touched. He gently pushes my back a little forward.

"To your chest." He ordered. His distance was so incredibly close that I shivered when I heard his voice and did as told, again.

He touched my arms and moved them around slightly and somehow it felt as if the weight was easier to hold now. I paid attention to the way my arms were placed before he ordered me to lift them now and I did so.

I was able to hold it a little longer now and when I placed it down, I didn't fall over.

"Okay. Try again but on your own this time." He ordered like a personal coach and I did as told.

I carefully did each step as I was shown by Nolan. He nodded when I successfully did it on my own and was told to do at least eight more times. It was somehow a lot easier and I was able to do twenty in the end.

"You're welcome." He winked and I giggled softly.

"Why are you helping me though?" I asked after a moment of silence crashed over us.

"Because it was embarrassing to see you in the gym and the coach would make us do 20 laps around the field if you don't master anything soon." He replied as he pursed his lips but only on the one side of his face like that Damon Salvatore guy from Vampire diaries.

"But you don't seem like it would bother you much?" I retort, pointing out the way he effortlessly picked up a 80kg at the gym and picking up a 85kg right now.

"It won't...But I don't want to spend the rest of my day running 100 laps while everyone only ran 2 or 3. It's boring." He replied with narrowed eyes and a small smile that I wish I could just wipe off his face every time I see it.

"Tsk. Typical you." I scoffed as I picked up the 30kg for one last time before letting out a heavy sigh of relief. "Twenty." I finished counting.

He eyed me and the weight before nodding with a straight face before lifting a brow and opening his mouth slightly after he put the weight down.

"Give me 20 push-ups." He ordered with a smirk.

"Easy." I replied and did as said even though I got a little tired at 16.

"Good. 30 more." He ordered again which made me think of many ways to kill him in my head.

"Are you insane?" I questioned as I sat with crossed legs.

"I do 400 push-ups a day sweetie. I can always let you do that and then we'll see if I really am insane-"

"Fine fine fine! I'll do it. Sheesh." I rolled my eyes and went straight back into a push-up but he sighed and stopped me when I pushed myself back up.

He let me put my arms a bit more to the back and let me go down as he helped my body into the correct posture, avoiding my girly areas. He only touched my arm, my back, and my waist. The rest he told me what to do with.

To be honest, it was a lot harder now but he told me exactly why I had to do it that way in the end. "It would help your muscles to grow correctly instead of twisted and not-so-pretty.", were his exact words.

"You should go home and rest now before it gets too late." He softly spoke as he started doing pull-ups by one of the weights that rested on some weird pole thing.

"Okay..." I awkwardly replied before grabbing my stuff and heading out after saying goodbye.

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