Chapter 4

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The Bathroom Guy


It has been a month of being at Summerville College. It's super fun here and the teachers are amazing. For once, I actually understand the work, unlike those primary teachers where I had to go home and youtube how the stuff work and get 40% after studying for 5 days straight.

So...bathroom. Yes, I am searching for the bathroom. I am one of those who never go to the bathroom at school unless it is absolutely necessary. And of course, my urinary tract infection just had to kick in at this time.

After passing halls for halls and people for people, I found the bathroom. I entered it and quickly went inside one of the stalls and allowed my bladder to have a sigh of relief. I finish up and flush the toilet before stepping out... but I very quickly stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened.

In front of me was a man peeing right then and there. I yelled and closed my eyes as the man snapped his head towards me and I heard him zipping his pants up quickly in a panic. I heard a door and someone suddenly dragged me into the bathroom stall I was in before.

I wanted to yell again but immediately felt a hand pressed over my mouth. I uncovered my eyes and saw the man from before. He pressed one of his fingers against his rosy red lips, which were barely chapped and dry, indicating me to be quiet.

I heard someone outside the stall move around and then pee, and though it was disgusting, I didn't really care because this dude in front of me had me pressed up against the wall, with only 1 inch of space between our bodies and his hand on my mouth.

I was hoping he couldn't feel me breathing out my nose like a fuming dragon. Footsteps were heard as they disappeared away. He slowly let his hand uncover my mouth and moved back a bit.

"Either you are in the wrong bathroom or I am." I managed to get out.

"You, definitely." He said with a cold glare.

"So either you were trying to stalk someone or you are extraordinarily stupid." He continued.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed with a frown.

He opened the door angrily and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the bathroom and harshly letting go of me.

"What do you see? A man or woman? Blue or pink?" He asked as he pointed at a sign on the door.

I gulped when I saw a blue sign with a white silhouette of a man on it.

"See. You're stupid and blind." He put out before walking away, leaving me dumbfounded.

"Visit the eye doctor. Noted." I requested to myself.

I stomped my foot once as I glared at the guy from before and stomped off into the crowd to get to my next class before the bell rang, but of course, I had to get my bag by Amber first.

I made it to class just in time and sat at the very back. It just felt more comfortable. I took out my things and started scribbling out notes while the professor was talking.

"Mrs. Harper." He called out.

I looked up at him with confusion written on my face. He didn't ask a question or anything so why did he call me as if I wasn't paying attention?

"What are you drawing in your book?" He asked strictly.

"Oh, um..." I looked at my book and bit my lower lip nervously. When taking notes, I have a habit of drawing little doodles that goes with it. It was a habit of mine since I was 15.

"I'm doodling things that go with my notes." I nervously replied as I looked back up at the professor. Professor Orman.

"I hope you are paying very close attention as this will be in the future tests." He put forth as his eyes turned into slits, staring right at me.

"Of course sir." I nodded with a nervous smile. Everyone was staring at me. Just great.

"Well then. Let's continue?" He retorted before continuing with the lesson. I breathed a sigh of relief when everyone turned back to the front. Biology class is no longer my favorite.


Finally! I can go to the bathroom again!

I rush to the bathroom and make a stop in front of the door. It has a pink sign with the silhouette of a girl. Good. Don't want to bump into that bathroom dude again. I rushed into one of the stalls before emptying my bladder.

I finish and wash my hands before taking a piece of paper towel. I looked around for a dustbin but there was none, luckily I remembered the one outside the bathroom. I headed out of the bathroom as I finished drying my hands and threw the piece in the dustbin.

"You really are stupid." A voice echoed in the, surprisingly, empty hall and I quickly looked up. Bathroom dude.

"What do you have to say to me now?" I sighed as I glared at him, clearly annoyed. He was leaning against the wall next to the men's bathroom where the whole incident took place.

"You use a paper towel when there clearly is a hand dryer in the bathroom." He points out calmly.

I take a deep breath as I close my eyes for a second before glaring right at him. I walk into the bathroom and look around for the hand dryer. I find it and press my hands beneath it, letting it dry my hands before walking back out.

"Better?" I ask annoyed with a sarcastic smile plastered onto my face.

"No. What's the point of using a hand dryer when you already dried your hands?" He shrugged.

I roll my hands into fists and sigh as I stare right through him.

"I know I'm hot but has no one ever told you that it makes a person uncomfortable when you stare?" He sarcastically asks as he lifts his eyebrows and grin.

"B!tch." I mumble out and walk away.

"I heard that!" He yells out.

"Good for you!" I yell back sarcastically.

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