Chapter 49

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Family Meeting


I arrived home after a long but relaxing day at school. Brother was already back since he loved driving past the speed limit but also because he was just somehow always earlier than me.

I opened the door, closing it again once I was inside the house. I was rummaging around in my bag for my lunchbox to put it by the sink and when I looked up, everyone was staring at me.

"Uhm? Hi?" I eyed them confusedly. I put my lunchbox in the sink as they watched my every move.

"You have a boyfriend?" Dad questioned. He was at home today while he was supposed to be at work. I guess my parents had a day off or they ditched work.

I shot a glare at Liam to which he replied with a proud smirk. I sighed before nodding.

"How come I haven't met him yet?" My mother asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"He was in the hospital for a month." I replied. "And before that?" My dad questioned now.

"We were in a secret relationship." I replied... again. "Is he that embarrassed to go public with you?" My brother frowned.

"No. We both agreed to it. We are no longer in secret though." I replied, getting a little annoyed.

"Were you planning to tell us then?" My mother asked. This time, I didn't have a reply. I smiled guiltily and nodded.


"Iris!" My dad yelled, offended.

"What?" I questioned innocently in a high pitched voice. "You should bring him over tomorrow." My mother smiled now.

"He's going to have family time with his mother tomorrow." I replied. "Well, then, Saturday." My father stated.

"But Lexi is coming on Saturday!" I pouted as I stomped my foot. I thought they would move the sleepover me and Lexi planned for so long and I couldn't choose between my boyfriend and my best friend.

"So? She can come and he can come. What's the problem with that?" My mother shrugged.

"Really? Okay. I'll let him know." My eyes twinkled happily as I stuck out my tongue to my brother. He glared at me, trying to come up with ways to kill me without actually killing me.

I happily skipped to my room after I placed my lunchbox in the sink. I flopped down onto my stomach on the bed and took out my phone, tapping Nolan's name on my whatsapp.

I started typing in the plans for Saturday but he didn't reply. I thought he was just busy so I quickly took a shower and did my homework. After I was finished, it was already night.

I opened Nolan's contact on my phone again only to find he still hasn't replied. His last seen was 12:58, when we were at school. It made me worry a little since I haven't seen him yet since lunch.

I pouted and sat up but stopped when I heard the floor squeek behind me. My heart started pounding and I felt like I couldn't move. I forced myself to move when I heard another squeek and I took the knife from my night stand. I never put on my light, so I wasn't able to see much.

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