Chapter 34

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This Love



Iris POV:

After the many tears I have cried, Nolan had convinced me to skip a few subjects with him to just calm down and stay in each other's embrace. We stayed in each other's embrace in the back of the school.

Maany people had walked past us and I was surprised to see that he did not care at this moment.

"Aren't you afraid we'd be seen together? As a couple?" The word made me blush slightly but I pushed it aside.

He smiled and cupped my cheek gently as I leaned into his hand, feeling comfort in his warm presence.

"I don't care right now. You are my priority at this moment." He smiled assuringly and I melted at his words.

I have never heard someone with so much love and affection in their voice before. Never did I even get to dream of it. This moment was better than those dreams of finding your soulmate and loving each other for eternity.

This kind of love we had was no ordinary. It wasn't the need for the assurance of an eternity with each other. It was not the I love you's or the Forever's. It was the promises and the constant comfort we gave each other even in our most sensitive moments. Something that not even a love of an eternity can provide. Not the fight of who loved who more but, instead, the assurance that we did indeed love each other equally.

"I love you." I breathed out with a smile on my lips and a twinkle in my eyes as I stared into his perfect honey like eyes that had a tint of gray and blue with dark spots.

"I love you too." He whispered and kissed my lips gently, not taking his gaze away from my eyes as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

"You okay now?" He asked softly and I nodded in reply, putting on a smile to assure him.

We stood up from our sitting position and walked to our classes, heading separate ways. I apologized to the teacher for missing half his class period and saying something personal cme up as an excuse. It wasn't entirely a lie so...

After the bell rung and we were heading to our last subject, I crashed into someone. Books went flying everywhere and I started picking up, apologizing repeatedly.

I looked up to hand the person their books and saw the familiar figure, standing there with a bewildered smirk plastered onto his face.

"Caden." I was basically fuming but also shivering from the fear. I was once not scared of him but now I was. I was scared of what he would do to Nolan. To my friends, Nolan's friends, my family...

"Now, now. No need to get all rusty with me." He playfully winked and took his books away from my grasp.

Damn it. I wanted to hit him with it.

"I don't have time for you." I said with confidence. I knew he couldn't do anything to me in the middle of the crowdy hall and therefore I was thankful because I don't know what could happen with my level of stubbornness. I turned to walk away, hoping he would leave me at it.


He grabbed my wrist tightly and I winced in pain as he pulled me back to him.

He quickly let go of my wrist when he noticed he was hurting me.

"Sorry." He apologized nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. Something  he did when he was nervous. I knew now that he wanted something.

"What do you want, Caden?" I harshly questioned as I folded my arms over my chest.

"I just uhm..." He trailed off nervously.

"Speak before I'm late for class." I ordered in a harsh yet emotionless tone.

"Jeesh, chill. I wanted to ask you on a date actually... with another couple. Sooo... a double date on Saturday right on sun down." He claimed innocently. He was nervous. I could see it. But I knew him all too well.

"Go find yourself another damsel to surpress." I rolled my eyes and once again turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist again, only, this time it was tighter.

"Adeline will be there with Nolan and whether you like it or not, you will be there." He sternly spat out and walked away, harshly letting go of my wrist that was blood red on the area he had grabbed me.

I now wondered whether I should go or not. Nolan would be there. Or so he said. But what if it was a trap? I would have to ask Nolan myself after school.

I walked to class and made it just in time as the bell rang the moment I stepped foot into the classroom. I sat in my seat and took out my books as the lesson started. I scribbled down the notes but my mind kept running around another topic.

I couldn't concentrate.

I scribbled down my thoughts. It was messy circles and lines that made sharp edges here and there, because that's how it felt. Like something stabbed me in my stomach or perhaps my head. A headache was forming. That I knew for a fact.

The bell rang again and I jogged my way to Nolan's class, How I knew his schedule? I don't know. Random guess as he always complained about it after school on this specific day.

I bumped into a hard chest and looked up to meet eyes with the familiar figure that stared down at my out fo breath state.

"Iris, what are y-" I stopped him from finishing his sentence as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him away from the crowd of people and out of the school, hiding behind his car.

"What are you doing?" He finally finished his sentence and looked at me with a hint of worry and confusion in his eyes.

"Caden came to me, but before I tell you what happened, I needed to know if Adeline came to you?" I questioned as I looked at him with intentive eyes.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before nodding, confirming my question with a yes.

"She asked me to come with her on a double date at sun down by the Chill & Coffee Cafe." He continued with a more detailed reply.

"Did she say with who?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Well I know who then. And I also know what they are up to, I think." I claimed as my eyes darkened.


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