Chapter 33

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Love Of A Different kinnd



Nolan POV:

Denis and Louis questioned what had happened between us after the incident at the camp. It reminded me of when I went to her house. Sneaked, to be exact.

I remember the little conversation we had on the phone. I said I had accidentally called her but, really, I just wanted to hear her voice. I knew I loved her when I couldn't go to sleep without hearing as much as a goodnight from her.

But in that moment that I called her, in that moment that I heard the trembling in her voice, I decided to ditch my little stroll and went straight to her house that she had described to me.

When she opened her door and I stared into her pained eyes, I tried best to not break. I wanted to be strong for her. After the explanation she gave me, I had to stop myself from stomping away and finding that brat of an ex and rip his heart out. The only thing that really stopped me was her tears.

And when she kissed me, I was shocked. It was a sad moment and she just... kissed me. She had apologized but I cut her off. So long have I waited to feel her lips on mine. And it was in that moment that I knew for a fact. I belonged to her. I loved her.

When we both agreed to keep it secret and play pretend that night, my heart ached. But it didn't ache as much as it did now when she turned to look at me with that look in her eyes.

She suddenly stood up and trotted away fiercely. I knew we had to play pretend but something told me that now was not the time to play pretend. Now was time to be serious and be there for my girlfriend. Even if I have to risk getting us exposed.

I jogged after her, ignoring the stares that came from the boys and a few of the other students. She was short but fast, I admit. But now was not the time to joke around.

I called out for her repeatedly, but she didn't look back nor stop. She finally came to a halt in the back of the school and when she turned to look at me, my heart sank. It no longer ached. It was completely broke. I felt like the famous titanic that sank and prepared itself to be forgotten for eternity.

It wasn't that look of pain or a momentarily sadness. It was that look of being broken and having a dead soul in a living body.

"What's wrong?" I questioned worriedly as I cup her face in my hands, using everything in my power to not crack and take her home to cuddle with her and assure her that everything would be alright or perhaps skip school with her and take her somewhere to cheer her up.

Right now wasn't a matter of me wanting to be strong for her. Right now was a matter of me needing to be strong for her.

"I can't anymore, Nolan. I know we are doing this for safety and for us, but I can't help but think that this is unfair. I feel trapped. Anxious. I can't take it anymore." She uttered out, her voice trembling as that one lonely tear streamed down her face, slowly.

"Iris-" I tried to assure her of that plan I know I could no longer promise was going to work anymore.

"Please, Nolan. I can't sit and wait anymore for something to happen. Amber was my friend and she was taken away from me, what's worse is she was betrayed and didn't even know it. Adeline betrayed me. Betrayed Amber. Our friendship. And now she wants me as good as dead. Everyday I come to school, hide in a closet sothat the guys don't beat me up and the girls don't give me a speech about how useless I am ad that I should stay away from you because I'm hurting you. Watch as we lie to your best friends. My friends. Everyone. I can't anymore. Understand that, Nolan" She broke, no longer holding back the river of tears that she held in for, lord knows how long. She broke in my arms.

In my embrace.

I pulled her into a tight hug as she wraps her tender arms around my waist. I didn't just hug her out of love, but also out of comfort. She needed that.

"I do understand. But love... What else can we do but wait? Let's give it one more day. One more day and if nothing happens, we make it happen." I said in a genuine tone. I promised that even though I didn't admit it was a promise.

"Promise?" I heard the need for reassurance in her voice as she looked up at me, her red puffy eyes glistening from the tears, almost making me cry too.

"Promise." I assured her and she rested her head on my chest again.

I now knew that there was no more time for waiting around. It was slowly eating her whole, eating us whole. I was afraid of losing her. I have lost in so many relationships and it did hurt.

But I was never in such relationship where I was barely able to speak when I saw the eyes of my lover's glisten from tears. If that hurt I felt back then was barely comparable to the way I feel right now just by seeing her in even the slightest bit of pain, I do not want to know how it would feel to loose her. To lose Iris.

She is the love I desired for. The love I have waited for, for so long. She is the one who brought me back from the pool that was drenched in my own blood. She healed every scar of mine. Fixed my glass heart that was broken to pieces with a glue so strong and so rare that it would never be able to fall apart again. She was my moon that shone in the dark. My sun in the winter. My ice in the summer.

Whatever worries or pain I have ever held onto, have now been released. She took all those knifes that were stabbed into my back and gently pulled them out, making sure that it would never leave a mark as it healed.

Now it was my turn to do that.

She deserved as much as that and more.

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