Chapter 43

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My Love, My Heart, My Everything


I stopped in an empty hallway and slid down the wall. Tears flowed down my face non stop. It didn't want to stop. I stood up again and made my way to the back of the school. Carved on the walls were perfectly shaped letters.

Nolan + Iris = Forever

I frowned at it as I thought back to the memory.

"Why did you drag me here?" I pouted grumpily. I was about to eat my lunch but a certain someone didn't allow that to happen.

"I just wanted a little moment with you. My lips missed yours." He stated and before I could say anything, he pulled me to his body and kissed me gently.

"I love you." He said as soon as he broke away.

"I love you too." I blushed as a smile crept onto his face. The words that came out of his mouth, the skin contact, the close proximity and his smile was enough to make my heart explode like a nuclear bomb.

He suddenly stepped away from me and picked up a sharp edged rock that was just randomly lying on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I curiously questioned as I watched his every action, walking to the wall.

He started carving something into the wall and I could hear the rock move against the wall. He smiled victoriously and moved away from where he stood sothat I can see what he had created.

I smiled with a frown as I stare at the words that were carved into the wall. There was a small heart next to my name and an infinity simble above the 'forever'.

"Cringe much?" I muttered out with a chuckle.

"You don't like it?" He questioned with a pout.

"I love it." I quickly smirked and so did he.

He pulled me back into his embrace and kissed me again.

I stared at him as a thought crossed my mind, my smile slowly dropping.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"What if... I don't want to think this, but... What if something happens to us and we grow apart or if I get lost and can't find you? Or maybe one of us dies?" I sadly questioned.

"If you get lost, I'll always find you. If we grow apart, I'll come back. And if one of us dies, well love, I'll make sure that never happens. I'll always come back to you. No matter what. I promise." He assured me in his sweet and gentle tone.

I smiled and stared at the carved words on the wall again.


I yelled in anger and grabbed any rock or stick or whatever I could find, throwing it at the words carved into the wall.

I repeatedly punched the wall to the point that my fists were bleeding before grabbing another sharp edged rock and ruining the carved letters.

"What happened to forever!? Huh!? Where are you!? You promised! Where are you!? You lied! You lied... You broke your promise... Come back to me... Please..." I broke as I continued lazily punching the wall, my knees growing weak and causing my body to fall to the floor with a loud 'thump'.

"Please..." I begged desperately.

"Iris?" A voice echoed the place after a moment of silence.

It sounded like...could it be?

I turned to face the figure, it was blurry. My tears didn't allow myself to focus on anything, I had a throbbing headache now. All the tears, the screaming, the punching and what more was too much for me.

"Iris, are you okay?" I prayed for my eyes to focus. I need to know if it was him.

The figure came closer until he stood infront of me and bent down to my level.

"Nolan?" I whispered out. For the first time, in what felt like forever, I spoke his name. It wasn't just a nickname. It was his name. A specific someone that isn't just anyone. I almost forgot how it used to sound to say his name until it so effortlessly rolled off my tongue just now.

My focus suddenly came back and I was devastated by the sight.

"Who's Nolan?" Alex questioned with furrowed eyebrows. He looked a little angry, probably because I called for someone else that wasn't near while he was the one infront of me.

"No one." Lies. He was someone. A special someone to be precise. He was everything to me. I needed him right now. More than anything.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he watched my broken figure, my hands cut open and bruised.

"I'm fine." I whimpered out softly, trying to fake a smile.

"It won't work with me. Give me your hands." I reluctantly did as told.

He took out his water bottle and gently rinsed my hands with the water. I winced a little which made him do it a little more gently.

He then wiped my tears away with his thumb. It felt alot more rough compared to Nolan's. I missed his touch.

"Come on. You should get to class. I don't want you to get in trouble. Be careful with your wounds." If it was Nolan, he would have brought me to a hospital or broke down and cried, blaming himself. I missed his comfort. His voice.

I nodded and stood up, making my way to class as he followed behind to make sure I would be okay. I arrived in class and he made his way to his own. I apologized for being late and took a seat.

Today I didn't make notes or doodle. I just sat, not paying any attention to anything. We were then handed a surprise test but I didn't pay much attention to it, I just scribbled whatever came to mind.

The teacher was able to finish marking everything by the end of the day so he sent someone to hand it to us and give it to him tomorrow with our parent's signature on it.

And when I saw my mark, I already knew what was going to happen.

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