Chapter 17

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At My Worst


I stood up immediately after the bell rang, ready to run. I got so dizzy that I could have sworn I did cartwheels more than 50 times by now. I got ready to meet the floor once again, but just like last time, toned muscular arms snaked around my waist and pulled me to a strong body.

I kept my eyes closed, waiting for the dizziness to leave before looking at the person.

"What is it with you and falling today? Falling for me already?" The deep husky voice questioned with a small smirk on his face.

I attempted to hit him for that joke but I was so weak that when I hit him, it felt like a feather landing against him. I let out a sigh before my knees became weak and gave in. He kept his arm around me, bending down as I fall to the floor. It felt like I haven't eaten in days as I was shaking and felt nauseated.

"Are you okay? You're shaking." He stated. Well no sh!t Sherlock. Tell me something I don't know, Mr. Obvious. I couldn't move. My vision was half blurry, my body was weak, body temperature was rising like a volcano ready to explode, and most of all...his touch.

I saw the worry in his eyes. It made me wonder why someone like him would be worried for someone like me.

"Iris." I heard him call my name. It rolled off his tongue so effortlessly and he made it sound so stunning and special.

"Iris." His voice echoed in my ears again. It was softer than before.

"Iris." His voice came like a whisper. My eyes fluttered closed and when they opened again, I saw the roof of the school halls. Once again, my eyes fluttered closed. This time it opened to see his face looking around the halls in slow motion before my tired eyes closed completely and I was engulfed by darkness.


Nolan Pov

After the joke Iris had made, I felt guilty. I know she was trying to make me laugh but I couldn't help but be struck by the guilt. I don't know why I felt this way. One part of me hated it and the other... Loved it.

The bell rang and I calmly stood up unlike Iris, who shot up like a bullet. My eyes widened when I noticed she was going to fall and I instantly snaked my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

She kept her eyes closed for a few more seconds with a frown on her face. My turn to joke.

"What is it with you and falling today? Falling for me already?" I chuckled softly. I saw a small smile creep up her lips and she attempted to punch me, but it was so soft and weak that it felt like a feather fell on me.

I was ready to tease her for it until she let out a tired sigh and her body gave in, but I kept holding onto her as I moved down with her to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

I felt her trembling body in my arms and her pale face managed to get a reaction out of me.

"Are you okay? You're shaking." Like crazy... All I felt was worry as I watched her eyes struggle to stay open.

"Iris." I called but she stayed in a weak state. Calling for her name, I knew it wouldn't fix whatever was wrong but I just kept calling for her to stay awake.

"Iris." I was growing more scared second by second. I started overthinking.

"Iris." I said a little louder, but all my calling came to no help as her eyes closed. I felt engulfed with worry and my thoughts now. I needed to do something.

I picked her up in bridal style and quickly walked with her to the school doors. I climbed the steps and roamed the halls in search of the nurse's office. The room moved places previously so I had no idea where it was.

I eventually found it and quickly walked in. One of the nurses was attending to another girl's sprained ankle. When she heard me come in, her eyes shot to me.

"She passed out." I breathed out and the nurse quickly jumped up, excusing herself from the blonde girl as she moved over to me, telling me to follow her to another room with beds in it.

I placed Iris on the bed and she quickly made sure that Iris was okay in every way she could.

"Did she eat today?" The nurse questioned and I nodded a yes in response.

"But it wasn't much. Probably only a bite or two. She looked quite ill since this morning." I replied and she nodded.

"Know of anything funny she might have eaten?" She asked and I shook my head a no as she put her hand on Iris's forehead and hissed, pulling her hand back and taking out a temperature stick.

She stuck it under Iris's armpit and pulled away after a few seconds before her eyes widened.

"She needs to get to a hospital. Her fever is over 40°C." The nurse stated and my eyes widened.

"I'll take her." I said but the nurse shook her head and got up.

"We need to call her parents-" "By the time they come, she might just be in bigger trouble than she is already." I chirped in and she looked at me for a few seconds before nodding.

"Fine. But I'll need your name." She nodded and relief spread over me for a split second as I turned around and picked Iris up.

"Nolan Morelli." I told her before walking out with Iris in my arms and jogging to my car in the parking lot. I only took my car every day or so, the rest of the times I would take my bike. Luckily I took the car today.

I placed her in the passenger seat, pulling it back before closing the door and climbing into the driver's seat. I drove off in a hurry to the hospital nearest to the school.

I eventually arrived and called the doctors who took her to a scan room as I watched hopelessly. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but this time I didn't wipe it away.

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