chapter 56

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Before Lu Chengan's accident, he actually ate the biscuits that Lu Xiaolong gave him?

    Yu Ran frowned and asked, "Do you suspect that Lu Xiaolong drugged your brother, which caused him to suddenly go berserk?"

    Lu Zexuan said, "My brother is very sunny and optimistic person. Besides, every time we set off Before, Moore would mentally sort out him, and his spiritual world does not have too many negative shadows. Such a healthy sentinel usually doesn’t suddenly go berserk, right?”

There are two cases of a sentinel’s berserk, one is ability excessive consumption, leading to madness and  loss of reason, this initial madness can be saved, as long as the guide reorganizes the spiritual world of the sentinels, they can regain consciousness.

Lu Zexuan was rescued by Yu Ran in this way.     

Another situation is that under certain inducements, the repressed negative emotions in the sentinel's mental image suddenly erupt, leading to the collapse of the mental image, and the sentinel will go berserk, and even deformed into a monster.

If it is not dealt with in time, the situation will be even more dangerous.    

 Yu Ran analyzed: "If your brother doesn't have so many negative emotions in his heart, only excessive energy consumption will induce madness...Of course, the drug developed by the Dark Night Organization may also cause the sentinel to suddenly lose control."

Lu Zexuan grabbed it hard first: "He suddenly went berserk back then. I thought he was trying to save me, and his ability was exhausted... Ever since you said that the Dark Night Organization was experimenting with Sentinels, I thought about it carefully, and there were actually many things that were wrong."

"That day , the Falcon starship was swept by a cosmic sandstorm and was forced to land on a strange planet. We encountered a monster that we had never seen before. That monster had eyes all over its body and many tentacles. The young team members were swept away by them, and I was accidentally surrounded by monsters."   

  "It only took a few minutes for my brother to rescue me, how could he suddenly run out of power?"

Lu Zexuan looked at Yu Ran, "The bigger one It may be that there was something wrong with the biscuits that Lu Xiaolong gave him back then. After taking the medicine, he had a side effect during the battle, which made him accidentally lose control."

"..." Listening to Lu Zexuan's narration, Yu Ran didn't know what to say .

    It seems that the Dark Night Organization has been planning for a long time, and the drug for Sentinels has been researched long ago, but the formula is not perfect enough.

    The star calendar is 494 years, which is a time node of the dark night organization's activities. They not only sent undercover agents to the Xinghui Legion, leaked General Xie Xi's whereabouts, and wiped out everyone who knew the secret; they also sent undercover agents to the Falcon Special Forces, trying to threaten the head of the army, Lu Tingyu, by controlling Major General Lu Chengan.

    Unexpectedly, the Falcon Special Forces encountered an accident, and the dose of medicine given to Lu Chengan was not controlled properly, causing him to go berserk and sacrifice.

    The annihilation of the Xinghui Legion's reconnaissance battalion caused an uproar. Both the military headquarters and the presidential palace began to investigate.

The Dark Night Organization temporarily stopped their operations for fear of being exposed. Lu Xiaolong, the undercover agent assigned to the Falcon Special Forces, lurks down and continues to monitor Lu Zexuan, the new captain.

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