Chapter 59

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It was the first time Lu Zexuan saw such a magnificent sight. The thick red fog spread out to both sides, revealing a road that was enough for them to pass side by side. The road was covered with crystal clear red flowers, those flowers shook their heads gently as if they were spiritual, and the surrounding trees were covered with The red silk thread swayed with the wind, and the fine light and shadow kept flickering, just like a dream.

    Densely dense flying spiders gathered above the heads of the two, and the buzzing became louder and louder. They circled Yuran several times, and then flew along the road to the depths of the mist.

    These strange alien plants and animals seem to be lining up to welcome Yu Ran.

    Lu Zexuan turned his head to look at Yu Ran, Yu Ran seemed to have heard something, with a gentle look in his eyes, and said softly, "Let's go, the queen invites us to go."

Lu Zexuan nodded and followed Yu Ran's footsteps.

    The two walked forward along the road in the middle of the fog. Behind them, the thick red fog gathered together again, as if to completely engulf the two of them. But the road ahead was very clear.

After several turns, the two stopped in front of a huge red spider web.

    Lu Zexuan took a closer look, and saw that the red threads of the spider web were extremely thin, with a diameter of less than 0.5mm, but those thin threads were as tough as steel wires, and could break human necks in an instant. The height of the spider web was more than ten meters, and it circled several times in layers, as if it was protecting something...

The air nearby was obviously a little humid, and the flowers, plants and trees grew more vigorously.

    As the two approached, a "door" opened in the middle of the spider web.

    Yu Ran led Lu Zexuan into the center of the spider web.

    Then, Lu Zexuan suddenly froze in place - in front of him was a huge monster that was beyond description. The size of the monster is like a tall building, and the eight legs that spread out are covered with red armor as hard as steel.

Its abdomen has a lot of strange patterns, its head is covered with a thick layer of fluff, and its eyes are like the color of crimson blood.

    Lu Zexuan and Yu Ran stood in front of it, like two tiny ants.

    Seeing such a huge monster suddenly, normal human beings would feel fear in their hearts. Lu Zexuan's back tensed slightly.

    Seeing it, Yu Ran didn't have the slightest fear on his face, but instead raised a smile.

The thinking tentacles in his palm quickly stretched into the sky, and the behemoth in front of him also stretched out a front paw, the movement was very gentle, even carefully touched Yu Ran's thinking tentacles.

    ... This scene actually looks like old friends shaking hands friendly after meeting each other.

    Lu Zexuan watched this scene in surprise.

    Over the years, he led the Falcon Special Forces to fight north and south. He has seen too many strange alien creatures, but once the two sides meet, the first reaction is to fight—alien creatures are very repulsed by human "invaders".

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