Our Mr. Silent

727 28 7

6:00 AM

Yoongi's pov:-

I woke up by hearing the sound of my alarm. I get up from my bed and was going to start my routine as a CEO of company.

Time skip--------

7:15 AM

Yoongi was trying to fix his tie but he was not able to fix it so he removed it and decided to not to wear it.

He come down stair and sees his cousins sitting on chair and having their breakfast. He glared both of them and then start heading out to leave for his office.

Yes its true that neither marie nor kerin care about min yoongi if he eats or not And why they will.

Aurthor's POV:-

(Let me give some information about yoongi)

Yoongi is living with his both cousin marie and karin in his uncle and aunty's house. His uncle and aunty passed away 4 years ago and after that he took his parent's company from them. This is the reason why his cousins hate him so much. He had already decided to live alone in other house but the house is still under construction.

Back to YOONGI'S POV:-

He get into the car and start to drive towards his company.

After sometime he reached at the company and he shuts off the engine of his car then enters in the building. After he entered the building . Employs start to wish him good morning and he completely ignore them (just like your author ignores her studies).
He opens the gate of his cabin and sees a bhery handsome man standing there with glasses and some papers on his hands.

(He is so handsome )

"Oh hi yoongi good morning" author's husband said

"Yeah morning" yoongi replied

"You know yoongi you should get married and have family at this age or if you become more aged you will never find bride for yourself" Namjoon said

"Which type of topic you have started in morning" yoongi said with pure unintrest

"And now namjoon tell me how many meeting we have today" yoongi asked

"4 meetings" Namjoon replied

----------------------Time skip------------------------

Yoongi was done after 2 meetings and he was going to have lunch in nearby restaurant with namjoon.

After sometime of walking they reached the restaurant and sits on a table. Yoongi and namjoon both orderd their food and started to eat their lunch. After having lunch they went back to their company and started to do their work.

-----------------------Time Skip-----------------------

At 12 O'clock

Yoongi was done after his 2 meating and some extra company's work. Because of the extra work he was late and namjoon already lefted.

He started to left for his house which will never become home for him. He enters the house with pass key that he has. He changed his cloth and started to head toward kitchen. He opend the fridge to find some food for him because at this hour there was no restaurant open. He found nothing to eat in fridge. So he decided to cook for himself. He was so exuasted already but yeah he was hungry also. After cooking the dinner for himself he eats the dinner and then go to the bed.

So this how the yoongi's life was his cousins never cared about him and he also don't expect care from neither he wants it.........



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            ( He is so damn handsome)

Bye bitches i am so sleepy 😴😴.....

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