338 24 15


6:30 PM,

Today is yn's parents wedding anniversary and guest had already started to come and our dumb girl is still not ready.

"Just to fast bitch" yn yelles on yoongi.

"Shut up and mind your language their are people outside" yoongi replies

"Both of you, what are you doing in bathroom huuh from this long time" jimin says while standing inside yn's room.

So yoongi is helping yn to wear her dress and jimin is here to do her makeup.

Yn comes outside from bathroom witb yoongi. She was wearing a black top with baggy jeans.

"Yn don't you have any common sense or what huhh, this what are you going to wear" jimin says while yelling.

"You shut up jamless boy i am looking pretty ik" she says while fliping her hair by her left hand.

"Uhh don't you have anything aside from these tops and jeans" jimin asks

"Well i have one dress but it was runnied because of ice cream" yn says while akwardly laughing.

"Okh then i have no choice other than to ask aunty about dress, you wait here i am coming back with dress" jimin says and goes out of the room.

After some time he comes back with a red dress and a green dress.

"Well wear which one you want" jimin says while handing her.

"Yn wear green one" yoongi suggest

"Well yn you should wear red" jimin added

"Okh i am wearing red one" yn says.

"You bitch help me"yn says to yoongi.

"If you don't mind your language now you will regret" yoongi warned while death glaring.

"Aww honey pls help me" yn says with sweet and cute voice.

After sometime they both comes out from bathroom and jimin smiles.

" Yn you looking sexy huh" jimin says while smiling.

"Thank you bitch" yn says while getting shy.

Meanwhile yoongi death glares both of them.

"Mind your language jimin, she is not kim yn anymore she is my wife now" yoongi says while getting jealous from jimin

"Sorry sorry yoongi" jimin says and goes towards yn.

Jimin mades yn sit on chair and do a little make up and then a simple hairstyle.

And yes she was done, she was looking all pretty that yoongi was starting at him continuosly.

"Well something is missing" jimin says

Then yoongi opens a drawer and take out a box and a chain from it. And goes towards yn and make her wear that.

"Now its perfect" yoongi says.

"I don't want to wear this" yn says while holding chain and getting up.

"Why" yoongi yelles in anger.

"What if i dropped it, and uk its very expensive, and don't yell at me like this" yn says while pouting.

"If you dropped this i will buy the same as this one" yoongi says while smiling because of her dumbness.

"What if you will not find this same chain" yn asks.

"I will hire someone to make it" yoongi replies while staring at her.

"Trying to flirt huhh Mr.billu (" she says while pinching on yoongi's chest.

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