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Authors Note: Hiii this is kinda actually bad for the first few chapters lol. If you dont want any agnst, you can skip to chapter 9. Thank you!

Nakahara Chuuya's POV:



That's my first thought when waking up, sometimes when I think that, I feel like a certain bandage freak.

Today was going to be an ok day I thought, since I was going to be able to choose a mission and not forced into one, I could maybe take the day slow and be able to do what I want.  why did I ever think that?

I quickly got dressed up, put my hat on and drew my coat over my shoulders and headed to the Port Mafia ready for another horrible day.

Kouyo stood there, without saying anything she handed me two papers. "Either you can force some money off of this guy who took money off of us, or a faster mission, but iam afraid the ADA migh-" 

"I'll get the money" I said quickly. I did not want to run into them. or him. "Alright, ill take care of them then" she said a bit annoyed.

 I smiled and took the report of the mission I was gonna be apart of. I quickly skimmed it and left. it was quite easy. all I had to do was find this guy at an amusement park and tell him to give the money he took, or tell him that we were gonna make a big scene. 

The report said that he had an ability but it for some reason , never took affect. probably because he hadn't trained with it or he's just that weak.

When I arrived, it was pretty dark out, so it took some time to spot his shitty face. surprisingly, he was the one to walk up to me. "hey there pretty boy, what'cha up to?" I turned around calmly and stared at him, "I think you owe some money", He raised an eyebrow,"And what makes you think that?". I glared at him ,"Don't try and fool me."

He put his hand on my shoulder and quickly muttered out something. I used my ability and crushed him. I didn't kill him though.

Suddenly, a wave of pain hit my stomach and I bent down.I felt sluggish and wanted to throw up my insides. I groaned and tried to get up but suddenly noticed that something was very, very wrong. My stomach...seemed odd.

My eyes widened but decided to deal with it later, I ran up to(or at least tried to) up to the man and rummaged in his pockets till I found what I was looking for. what a stupid thing to do, he could have at least hid it somewhere, I wasn't complaining though.

I trudged quickly away from the scene before anyone could do anything.


when I got back I threw myself on the couch and started to call for Kouyou. she didn't come. I suppose she was dealing with the ADA. Akutagawa heard me though. He immediately came as there was a lot of pain in my voice. "chuuya-sa-"

I blacked out.

how fun.

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