Chapter : 27

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Osamu Dazai's POV:

Chuu's face was priceless.

He ushered all the children into our room quickly as possible (which was hella slow) and closed the room door quietly.

"Dazai-san! You told me you lived in a shipping container!"I heard Atushi sigh in relief, "I got scared about your living conditions!"

"Oh don't worry Atsushi-kun! Come in!"

"Wow, you live by yourself?! Do you have side-jobs or something?!" He exclaimed.

"Just get in the room Atsushi!-"

Suddenly, He stepped on top of one of Taeyangs toys. "Wha-"

"Get along Atsushi!", I said as I kicked the toy under the couch and forcefully pushed Atsushi.He hesitated, but went along.

I pushed him in Akira's room and closed the door."Daz-"

 "Ah, done"I said as I clapped my hands together.

I opened my room door and Chibi hit my head really REALLY hard :(

He whisper-yelled, "WHAT THE ACTUAL #### IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

"Did he go into MY room?" I heard Akira complain.

"Where am I supposed to sleep." I heard Haru drawl.

"You aren't allowed to talk Haru! Papa said so! Your in big trouble! You too Aki-Aki!"I heard Taeyang say proudly.

"You all are going to wake up the poor tiger boy, just rest on the floor, or in the bathtub if you want." I groaned.

"Tiger boy? You mean that boy Akutagawa-"

"I wanna sleep with Papa on the bed!"Taeyang said.

"I'll sleep in the bathtub.."Haru said, already heading towards the bathroom.


Nakajima Atsushi's POV:

I'm so glad he doesn't live in a shipping container.

But before that..


It wasn't exactly girly, but you wouldn't call it a boys nor a guest room.

That means..

Dazai has wife?!

But..I'v seen him flirting with other ladies, that wouldn't make sense...

He never mentioned having any siblings.

I threw myself onto the bed, and sighed, I'm a horrible detective.

I took a deep breath, and realized I inhaled perfume, I may not be a perfume guy, but it smelled really sweet. I took a sniff of my cologne, smelled really...manly.

Maybe I'm overthinking this, Dazai must have saved a young girl, and she could be staying with him for a while!

I smiled thinking how nice he could be sometimes.

......which was never.

I shook my thoughts away from my head and drew the light pink-almost-white blankets over me, I didn't care about my clothes, Dazai would probably wash all these cloths anyway since I had slept in it.

------------------------                     Sorry about all these POV changes -_-           ----------------------------

Haru's POV :

Father grabbed the collar of my shirt and stopped me from heading to the bathroom.

"You aren't sleeping in any bathtub Haru, don't be ridiculous. Anyway, this is the perfect time to lecture you about your so called boyfriend whos named Riku."

I glared at Akira. This is all her fault anyway.

"We we're all lovey dovy at 15 let him be-", Dazai got cut off my father hitting him.

"My baby slug, relax, lets just go to their house for a lovely dinner! We could get to know his parents and how easy it would be to trick them, how does that sound?"

I didn't like the sound of tricking anyone..well I was already tricking Riku into thinking I haven't got an ability.

Father huffed,"Fine." I tried to grab for the phone as father texted Riku if they could come to his house for dinner in two days.

I wished they clamed down.

Riku almost immediately responded, Dazai smirked," Your man really loves you , huh? texted you right back unlike some other people."

Father was keeping his anger in, "Alright, guess we're going to see his parents in two days time."

How could he decide that so fast?!

I grumbled.

"Be happy Haru, maybe if this guys half decent , I'll let you date him for a few days." father said.

"I wish my parents were half decent about privacy." I muttered.

"Your sleeping in the bathtub."

-----------------------------------------------------Two Days Later------------------------------------------------------

I was a bit excited for my parents to see Riku, he really is great person, I just got to make sure my parents see that.

"I DON'T WANNA WEAR THAT UGLY DRESS!"Taeyang was having a horrible outburst.

"You wear it, or else." Father said.

She mumbled something and tears threatened to drop from her eyes.

Father annoyingly sighed,"Fine, you wear your sweater or whatever, don't come crying to me that you can't find it either."

Her face brightened up and she nodded.

But I still saw father pack her dress in his bag. Dazai came , wearing clothes to cover his bandages, "Ugh, I hate covering them up, it makes me feel itchy." He said while rubbing his arm a bit.

"Oh shut up, I'm not dealing with another person refusing to wear sensible clothes."Father said rolling his eyes.

"Well, you might have to deal with ANOTHER, 'cause there's no way I'm wearing this." Akira remarked coming into the living room holding some clothes

Father sighed.


As we reached Rikus house, father was checking multiple times to make sure it was the right house, Dazai on the other hand did not mind one bit.

Taeyang had fallen asleep, and Akira was jumping in her seat.

"Go on, knock on the door, We'll be there soon."

I opened the car door and stepped out, I took a look to Rikus house, It was looked good. I walked towards the door of his house and knocked.

Someone opened it.

My heart stopped. 

"Hello, Is there something you need from us?"

My vision blurred.

It was the same man who ended Aiko and Daiki's lives.

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