Chapter: 18

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Haru's POV:

I clutched my chest with my hands and closed my eyes, facing down trying to think as Riku kept talking.

This wasn't fear.

Then what is it?!

I felt Riku suddenly stop talking.

He lifted my face and ruffled the hair away so he could see my face properly. He sure is cute. He was really only a small boy with a big personality.

He started laughing. He always laughs. I find it cute..why do I keep using that word? I don't know what to do..if I'm gay. I never really had any attraction to females.

I tried thinking of any situations where I felt like I wanted to kiss someone. Pictures of Riku kept coming into my mind. Well, he is only the first friend I had so I'm probably overthinking it.

"Haru..You really aren't okay." I looked up and he looked at me worriedly. I don't want him to be worried because of me. "No I'm fine"

The rest of the day, I made sure to keep cool, except Riku would always comment that I never did anything like playing football/soccer or anything , even though I looked fit, he would say. I never interacted with anyone that week either since I had no need to, Riku was enough for me.

Riku's POV:

Haru is really attractive. I'm not embarrassed to say it either.

But unfortunately for everyone else who thinks the same, he's all mine!..

Well, I can't really say that, but he talks to no one except me and it makes my heart really flutter, like in romance books. Its a really cool and scary feeling.

I'v already asked him to let me come to his house since if he came to my house, my mom would blow my head off because she said 'we can't trust random people'.

But he always seemed to avoid that topic about his family.

I sighed as I pushed these thoughts away as the college day was coming to an end. I waited for Haru outside his classroom so we could walk together for some time and part from there.

He came out as I clasped his hands in mine and practically dragged him out laughing. "C'mon! I want to go to your house! Please?!"

He sighed as I asked that question for the hundredth time."Why not your house?"

"Because I wanna meet your parents and siblings! You never talk about them!"

He smiled, It was always really so special when he did that."Sure you annoying brat, next Sunday."

"YESSS FINALLY" I screamed as Haru tried shutting me up as we got weird looks.

Osamu Dazai's POV:

I sighed as Chuu baby looked worried at all his children after the first week of school.

"Why are you so worried again?"

"I'm not worried you asshole! I just heard that children become depressed from school."He glared.

"Wow, you really are becoming a real mother aren't you?"I giggled.

He looked like he was about to give one of his cute but hurtful punches but then the children came in from there last day of the week.

"I NEVER WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN." The bratty kid yelled out

"NO TAEYANG, WE LOVE SCHOOL DON'T WE?!" Akira said, she probably thought that because Taeyang didn't want to go, she wouldn't.

But I was having so much alone time with chu chu bear, making him yell and annoy him, so I reassured that she would definitely go to school.

That Haru kid seemed to be happy too. I smirked and elbowed him and as usual he didn't show any reaction. I whispered too him ," Soo you found someone real special huh?"

He immediately blushed slightly at that and looked at me as if he was scared and I only laughed.

These following weeks were gonna be fun.

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