Chapter : 26

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Authors Note : I tried my best changing them calling chuuya from 'Father' to 'Papa', cause I didn't like it anymore T-T.

Osamu Dazai's POV:

As I walked to work two hours late, I felt something wrong.

When is something not wrong :)

I huffed and walked into the building and swung the door open.

"Good morning , my lovely co-workers!"

I heard collections of 'good mornings' back.

At once I noticed Kyouka wasn't here. I jumped onto my chair and let in spin until it came to a stop directly in front of my desk.

I picked up my pen and twirled it around my finger.

Atsushi pulled his chair closer to my chair. "What is it Atsushi?" I asked.

"Well you see..I need your help, Kyoukas been suffering some.....sicknesses and stomach aches ,and she insists that I should stay elsewhere until she gets better."

I sighed as I realized what he wanted.

"Can I stay at your place?"

"You wanna stay in a shipping container with me?Oh, your so kind and unjudgmental!" I said exaggerating, throwing my hand above my forehead.

"I-uhh, what..? I mean, anything over my head is great! So is that a yes?"

" sure! But first, here's half my paperwork for you!"

I don't live in a shipping container anymore, but I still got it. I'll just have Atsushi sleep there and I'll sneak back to Chibi's house during the night.

Or should I just take him to Chuus house?

Eh, whats the harm.


Nakahara Chuuya's POV:

As I angrily walked to the house, in a bit of a bad mood, I heard the sound of a TV on full volume. Who the hell is that stupid?

I kept getting more angry but as I kept walking to my house, I realized.

The TV on full volume is from my house.

I walked up the stairs and banged the door open to see Taeyang jumping on the couch with juice stains and chip crumbs everywhere, and the TV flashing a horrible amount of light on her face.

As my shocked eyes scanned the room more, I saw shopping bags on the floor, some empty and some full. The drawers were open to where I keep emergency money, Im guessing it isn't there anymore.

I could not get more angry.

I walked over to Taeyang taking breaths to not get upset, and picked her up from standing on the couch and put her on the floor.

"Oh, Hi!-"

I walked away to go find Akira or that shitty Dazai.

Akira stopped as she saw me in the hallway.

"Look, I do not care that you went shopping or whatever, where is daddy?"

She kept quiet.

"Akira open your mouth and speak!", to my utter horror, she stuck out her tounge, right there, was a piercing.

I just turned around to go sit on the couch ,dazed, not caring about the crumbs or fresh stains.

"Are you ok, papa?"

"Yes..why are you suddenly calling me papa?"

"Daddy told me 'father' was too f-fomyal (Formal) or something, he didn't like that name."

"Mhm." I said resting my head on the couch.

At that moment, Haru came back, from wherever he was. "Where'd you go?"I asked lazily. "Meeting up with someone." He sounded happy.

I flung my head up to see him smiling..and an extreme blush across his face.

My eyebrows furrowed, "Where'd you go?"

"To a park."

He sounded genuine.

"...Who'd you go with?"

"My classmate."

"Be specific."


I thought back, he was the only kid that I know thats Harus friend. 

But why was he blushing so hard?

Then I remembered Akira telling me something about a boyfriend. "Give me the phone."

His eyes widened, "What? why?"

I gestured for him to give it quickly, he hesitated but gave it to me.

I checked through every single thing I could find, until I found it, a contact named 'Cutie'.

I flashed it at Haru, "Who's this?"

He looked away,"...I cant say."


"He hasn't told his parents about me yet.."

"A 'he' huh?"I said trying to hide my smile.


"I'm not an idiot, its Riku isn't it? Hes the only boy your friends with, and the only friend you have at that."

He didn't reply. Oh well, I'm sure its him anyway.

"So he really has a boyfriend?" I heard Taeyang asking.

Almost forgot she was there.

I raised my eyebrows, "Is he your boyfriend? Or a crush?"

He didn't reply.

"Told ya!" I heard Akira saying.

"You think you aren't in trouble?" I asked glaring.

She slumped her shoulders and left. "Wait! where in the world is that waste of bandages?" I asked suddenly remembering.

"Daddy went out after giving me apples." Taeyang responded.

Oh that little b#### ,"Oh for goodnes-"

The front door opened and I heard Dazai yelling , "We've got a guest for the night!"

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