Chapter: 34

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Osamu Dazai's POV:

I lay in bed waiting for Chuu Baby.

He FINALLY came , even in the darkness, I could tell he was upset. And I knew why.

He finished changing, and lay close next to me, unusual.

I wrapped my hands around him gently and kissed him on the nose. "Hmm" He pushed my face away, trying to get out of my grip now.

"Stay." I said. He didn't move for a second, tried again, and gave up. "Just like a dog should obey."I said giggling.

I earned a punch to the gut.

"I'm worried about Haru."He said suddenly, not moving. "Like, really, he's acting as if he doesn't know anyone named Riku, it was that boys name right?"

"Right" I replied, I shouldn't worry Chibikko this late at night. "Hes probably going through a phase, leave him. We had love problems too."

"Well , it wasn't like THIS you idiot." He said annoyed. "You know something don't you?"

"Nope! I'm as innocent as innocent can be!"I said convincingly.

He sighed, and stared at the ceiling , I'm not sure what was up there, 'cause as far as I know, it was just darkness.

I grabbed his hand, he looked away to obviously to hide his blush.

He grumbled, "Lets just go to bed, have a look at Haru tomorrow you useless shit. I need to drop by their schools to tell them why they've been absent for so long."

He drawled out the last few words, falling asleep.

I kept my eyes open, I'm not sure how Chibi is mentally able to sleep.


Akira's POV:

I couldn't sleep last night.

Why'd Haru say he doesn't know who Riku is?Does he hate him, or is he trying to erase the memory of him?

I can't understand him, he definitely loved him, but what about now? Would he still love him after all this?

This is all making my head ache.

And its all Rikus father's fault!I felt my eyebrows twitch thinking of him. A thought suddenly crossed my mind, I stopped for a second.

I did tell Haru I would kill him.

I didn't mean it, at the time, all I wanted was to make Rikus father's life miserable, or just make him hate himself and commit suicide or something.

As I lay on the bed, I lifted my hand to look at it, would I ever be able to kill someone?

If I did, I'd just stoop to his level, but I'm doing it for a purpose, to set my soul free of this guilt for not helping them, revenge for Aiko and Daiki.

Would he have a reason for killing them?

Frick that idea, they've never even been outside! Only until recently we had ever gone on our first outing. Well, my first allowed outing.

And if he had something against Father or daddy, then Aiko and Daiki would still have nothing to do with it.

I felt rage coming into my heart, thinking that they never had been outside, let alone not even having a birthday come.

We never celebrated our birthdays, only one year pasted anyway. 

We never had birthday cake, the ones I'd see my friends show pictures of. We never did have cake itself either, which was funny because father had brought a cake knife.


Can I hold a knife?

I slapped my forehead, were'd that come from?Am I that desperate to kill him?

I tried imagining myself holding a knife.Nope.

Tried imaging myself holding a knife against Rikus father. Yes.

I stopped my thoughts, and threw myself onto the floor to get up, "Enough daydreaming!"

I looked out the window as I got ready, good day to chill outside.

I felt cheerful after such a long time, I put on my shoes, and opened the door.

Father suddenly came from behind me, "Wait! Don't close the door yet, Im coming."

"Where are you going?" I asked, leaving the door open.
"Just to your school, don't worry about it, where are you headed to?"He asked putting his feet into his boots.

"Just outside to get some fresh air." I replied happily.He didn't seem to happy,"Just here okay"I feel like I saw someone yesterday in  the garden, so watch out."

"Who?"I asked intrigued.

"Someone I could have recognized Im sure..But its alright, just get your fresh air, we all need it anyway."He said leaving the house, waving to me.

I walked down the path and waved back, and then looked around the garden, I wasn't worried about any a-hole here, I was in too much of a good mood.

I walked on the grass, just listening to the sound of my feet crunching on the grass, until I heard a very non-grass sound.

I looked under my foot to see a note.Ooo interesting!

I picked it up between my fingers and read it. My heart stopped.

I ran back in scared, and locked the door. That person who was out yesterday is out for father and daddy's life!

My brain felt jumbled. The note mentioned that if they didn't come out and give their lives, they were gonna kill Haru.

Haru was out yesterday.

Right before he acted like he didn't know Riku...!

Did that person cause it? Did he threaten Haru to act, or did he do something.

Father said he wasn't sure if he could recognize the person. My mind kept screaming the same name, I tried ignoring it, but it wasn't working.

Riku's Father.

It fricking had to be him. Haru doesn't have other people that know our address.I hope.

I felt my heart beating. Not with fear. With the thirst for revenge.

He is going to pay with his life.

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