Chapter: 36

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To say Taeyang was horrified ,would be an understatement.

She screamed and ran to Akira after she saw her getting stabbed, if only she had been strong enough to keep it.

She kept screaming in horror and tears fell down her cheeks as she shook Akira to get up.

All this noise, disturbed Haruki, who had quietly opened the door to see what the commotion was. She gaped as she let the door open by itself. It was far too dark for her to her husband, but she saw blood streaks across the porch, and she was shook.

What was happening here?

She walked around without thinking, and heard Taeyang let out another shrill scream, it shook Haruki to the bone. She ran over, but was immediately stopped.


Her pupils dilated as she dropped to her knees and looked at her husband. She checked his pulse. 


She grabbed his face and softly whispered, "Kwotoko? Answer me..please?" She couldn't take in all that was happening.

She hadn't even noticed the teenage girl, not even that far away, slowly loosing her breath.

" that you?" Akira wheezed out.

"A-Akira, please please please don't go!Aiko and Daiki, not you too! Please please please no!" Taeyang cried out. Her voice was cracked and raspy.


"NO!NO!NO!NO!-" Taeyang had completely broken. This means..Akira is going to die? But she said she would stay by her side, she said she would never leave her side.

Akira cupped Taeyangs cheek, "Nah, its my fault, all my fault..I wonder what Father and Daddy will say. D-do tell them that I love them......Tell Haru I love h-him too...", Akira's voice was slowly giving away , and she was having difficulty speaking and in breathing.

"No..please don't say that..please don't" Taeyang said, leaning into Akira hand. 

Akira clumsily held Taeyangs hand and put it on her neck, "Whe-whe-when this stops beating, go se-e see Haruki, shes there, I can hear her, you can too..." 

"NO! She doesn't matter! A-and, your heart will not stop beating,stop it Akira! Don't lie to me!"

"I've lost way-yyy to mu-uch blo-oo-od.."

Haruki, who had heard the entire conversation, stood there dumbfounded, what..what was a child doing here? Was she stabbed?!

Haruki had already called the ambulance, who had already called the police in advance hearing the news.

The sound could be heard distantly, Taeyang cried her heart out, why was everyone around her dying?

She gave out a sudden scream. 

There wasn't any beating.

She shook Akira over and over, but her open eyes didn't respond. Her voice didn't respond in the usual, "Hey! Stop that!". Her hands weren't responding , they weren't flailing around, trying to hit her away.

She was on the ground, lifeless like a doll.

Taeyang kept shaking her, she was never going to stop, Haruki sat between Akira and Kwotoko, crying softly, both at her husbands loss and this child crying for her sister to come back.

The ambulance had arrived immediately after that, flashing their lights on the scene. They immediately hauled Kwotoko into the ambulance, with Haruki on the ambulance as well to keep watch on him.

Taeyang was yelling at everyone to go away, she didn't want anyone to come near Akira.She wanted to be with her forever. Her, Akira, Aiko, Daiko , Haru, papa and daddy. All together.

The police arrived only a few seconds after the ambulance, getting quickly out of their cars to search the area. A few police officers had to console Taeyang to move so they could send Akira to the hospital, when she refused, they were forced to move her by hand. She kicked and screamed for them to let her go, but they didn't.

The police waited for Taeyang to calm down, and maybe take her to the station to find out who she was, what she was doing here, and if she knew anything, but she wasn't cooperating at all. She let out high shrills of screams, that the police were getting worried. They couldn't wait for her to calm down. 

A determined looking police officer came up to her, and crouched to her level.

"Hey there, listen, I understand your really confused right now, but we're here to help you out." He said referring to his team.

Taeyang wasn't yelling anymore, she would, but she felt her voice breaking.

"Whats your name little girl?" He asked it so softly, yet Taeyang could still hear it over the all the wailing of the police sirens.

"I-its, well Its Taeyang."

"Good job, can you tell me whats your last name?" 

"D-Dazai." (Chuuya and Dazai haven't got married yet ((their still engaged T-T)) but I feel like this is most logical for her to answer.)

"Alright, your doing an amazing job." He said, smiling. He said something inaudible and a man who held a notebook behind him started writing things down.

Taeyang glared at the man who she thought she might like. 'Amazing job'? What amazing job? She had caused the death of her sister. She felt somehow, even though she had cried an ocean, she wanted to cry more.

The officer, sensing this, lifted her in his arms, she looked up at him , and he flashed her a quick wink. "How about we go home?"


She hadn't thought of that!

Whatever will daddy and papa say to her-


She has to warn them that police are coming! Papa could get into trouble because he is with the mafia.

She rubbed away her tears away. She had to do something.

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