Chapter 29

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Haru's POV:

After Dazai opened the door, Akira fell to the floor and started yelling. Taeyang, who was in fathers hand, gripped on to him and buried her face into his shoulder, terrified.

Dazai tried getting Akira to stand up but she started crying out things I couldn't make out.

I leaned my back against the wall and slid myself down to the floor. I gripped my hair and tried to think.

Damn that man, I can't kill him,hes Rikus father,I couldn't.

Would Akira? Would Dazai? He wouldn't , he works with a detective agency. Father..Im not sure.

But wouldn't that affect Riku? His father 'works' for money for his whole family. He was three older sisters , two of them are in college too.

I can't let anyone hurt Riku. Im not letting Akira or Dazai or father ever hurt him.

I felt my eyes starting to burn. I couldn't hold it in anymore and let the tears fall down my cheeks.

I started cursing Rikus father, my life and myself. Couldn't I have protected Aiko and Daiki? Why was I being so damn weak?

 I felt my head throbbing with pain, and looked up, Akira wasn't there anymore. Dazai was standing there with his hands in his pocket.

He gestured for me to get up and follow him, and I did so. He took me outside and we walked almost aimlessly.

He didn't talk and we kept walking in silence.

Until we reached a small graveyard area. He lead me towards one and sat quite near it. I didn't know what to do so I sat down beside him.

"I'm not a person who usually plays as a 'therapist' for others, but I suppose its time to play a good 'father' role huh?", He said breaking the silence looking at me.

I only mumbled something back.

"You see, everyone loses someone, whether their a good person or bad, whether they live a happy normal life or a horrible depressing one."

Then he started laughing, "yeah, Im not good at this, Im sure Chuu would be though."He glanced at me with a smile. I couldn't tell if it was a genuine or a devilish one.

There was a sweet silence for a moment, as I inhaled he crisp air and let my eyes close.When I opened them, it was already the next morning and I felt my head aching like crazy.

I lifted my hand and pressed me forehead. The door banged opened , it was Akira.I jumped a bit which caused my headache to grow more.

She threw off my blanket and sat down on my bed, I cursed at her and rubbed my eyes. I threw myself up and glared at her, why wasn't she saying anything?

She suddenly leaned in close,"Listen Haru, I don't care if he's your boyfriend, I don't care about him, I'm going to kill his father and him too if he knows about it.Im going to kill him.Don;t you dare come in my way, I know you are." She said repeatedly with no regret or remorse.

I felt myself clenching my hand, "Don't you dare touch Riku."

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you going to take his family's side or ours?!" She said getting up, ready to actually punch me.

"I didn't take anyones side, you can't just blame Riku, Fathers in the mafia, its not like we are."

She scoffed,"Father actually DOES something, hes protected Yokohama multiple times with daddy!"

"Well, maybe Rikus father is doing something too." I said.

My eyes widened, did I really just say that? Am I taking his fathers side just to protect Riku?

Akira looked at me  horrified, "YOU JERK, YOU LOVE HIM MORE THAN US?! YOU B######D I HATE YOU!YOU JERK!", she said tears threatening to come out. She stormed out of my room and slammed my door, running out.

No, why is this happening? I love Akira, I love Taeyang, I love father and Dazai, why is this happening? I don't love him more than my family! I felt rage coming in my heart, towards myself and Riku.

I can't like him anymore. 

I don't like him anymore.

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