Chapter: 7

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Daiki (Aiko's twin brother) POV:

Chuuya Nakahara. I suppose that was my 'fathers' name.

I think he's really actually stupid to think that we didnt go outside without his permission at least once. because we have. Specifically to find out who this Dazai person was.Not that we care about father, but still doesnt hurt to know who he was right?

Haru tells us to leave it and it doesnt concern us, but I think hes the one who even cares the most.Suddenly, Akira comes in through the window waving a plastic bag around.

"hey guys!I found something interesting!"

"what is it?" Aiko sighs. "I'v seen soo many peaple having this!Its called a phone!" she says really excited.

This catches Haru's attention."Really?give that to me." without waiting for a response he takes it from Akira and opens it quickly.

"You already setted it up?"Haru says suspiciously."Yup!How could I not have touched it??"Akira says excitedly

Taeyang also seems pretty excited since father doesn't get us these things.Or really anything.

"We could find the Dazai girl" Taeyang says quietly.But we all hear her.

"girl?But it sounds like a boys name!" Akira states. "it is a boys name."I say confused

"But isn't this Dazai girl the person father loves?"Taeyang questions

we all stay quiet.

Haru's POV:

I know for a fact that..well father gave birth to us.But I think they dont,Except Akira.

so does that mean Dazai our other father?But why'd he leave us?

A smirk forms on Akiras face.The dirty minded asshole figured it out too.

"Yup!Dazai is definitely our fath-mother!" the damn girl purposely let that out.Aiko and Daiki immediately understand but Taeyang doesnt."HEY! You know I dont understand.Whats going on?I can see the looks your giving each other!"

Akira smiles and makes a circle with one hand and puts her index finger through it."Do you get that?" Taeyang looks up "no..". I pat her head and say "That has nothing to do with what we are doing right now, don't worry you'll get it soon,promise."

Daiki takes the phone from my hand and examines it.He opens it and starts typing on it.We learned a lot of things from the television.

"....Can't find anything..there are quite alot of people named Dazai.Maybe the phone is bad or something,Why'd you leave all the time though?You might get in trouble.You didn't pay for this either didn't you?"

"oh was I supposed to?It was just there and there were other people picking stuff up.And any way, I need my freedom, even if I have to fight for it!"

Suddenly the door opens and father is standing there.Shit.

"whats going on here? Daiki, whats that?" Daiki looks down seeing him pointing at the phone. Father takes it and asks, "where did you get this from?".Aiko speaks up and says"outside."

Taeyangs POV"

father looks very upset. "I really want to protect you, its very don't go, this is the last time got it?why would you need this anyway?"

"To protect you!!"I say, maybe he'll get happier now.He looks a bit stunned and smiles and again asks"but why?from what?".I stay quiet because I know I shouldn't say anything about the girl.

He sighs and takes the phone away.I really wanted to see the girl though.I wonder if she was pretty.Well even if she was, Iam going to find out what kind of relationship she had with father.

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