Chapter: 5

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-Flashback is over by the way-

Nakahara Chuuyas POV:

I throw all the groceries on my kitchen counter while all the children are sitting in the living room watching TV. Since the kitchen and living room are connected, I can see what they're watching, suddenly the news pops up and I quickly take the remote and switch it off.

I dont want them to know anything about the Port Mafia or what I work as.

"okk soo what do you guys wanna eat? Anything?"I say. They give me glares for switching off the Tv and dont reply.Damn.Akira gets up and says "I'm going out". 

I stand in front of her and reply coldly, "No, none of you are ever leaving without my absolute permission." she snorts and sits back on her place at the couch and slumps. I wait for anyone of them to say anything."Guess i'll make Chazuke then"

Over these 2 weeks, I haven't bonded at all with them, in fact, I think i'm going farther away.But I don't want that. I could have easily given these kids away but I want to take care of them.Maybe even find someone to talk to.But that just isn't going to work. Even the worry of them having an ability is bothering me.

So far, I'v just made a journal to keep track of their actions since they do anything except having any social interaction with me.Don't get me wrong its weird, but what am I supposed to do?


Six years old, Likes Chazuke I suppose , seriously demanding as hell. sadly, that all I got on her, and i'm sure she doesn't have an ability.


Has a sorta slangy way of talking, stares quite way too much.No ability.


Seems openly smart and reads books. Your normal friendly (not really) Nerd. Not sure if he has an ability


detests rules from what I'v seen. She keeps trying to get out of the house, it isn't gonna work against me.If she had an ability probably would've used it by now to try and kill me, so no ability.


Literally nothing on him. Oh why does it always have to be the eldest one?

Well apart from this, I dont stalk or anything but I do make sure to see properly what they watch.Apart from news, I'll make sure they are my cute innocent kids.

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