Chapter : 30

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Authors Note: Theres a lot of POV changes, as I wanted to show how everyone felt (except Akira and Taeyang) after the incident.So I hope it isn't too confusing.

Haru's POV:

I didn't want to think.I wished I could just turn it off.

I slumped into the living room and heard father mumble,"Good morning Haru. You'v got school today, go if you want." and he gave me a short lasting smile.

He was stroking Akiras hair, who had just stopped crying. She looked at me haughtily but then smiled at me...sweetly?

I'm not dealing with this.

I looked through the cabinets, making sure to not pick up the juice, as they were disguised as wine (I had already drank a sip when father had put it in lower cabinets).

I took out a cereal box , grabbed a handful, and ran back , almost crashing into Taeyang.

She rubbed her eyes a bit, and looked up. She stared for a second before ignoring me and waddling behind me.

I walked into my room to get some good looking clothes, and put it on quickly , before making it back to the living room, mouth-full with cereal.

"Can I go-"

"Yes.Be back early, and don't cause trouble."Father replied.

I wonder what he meant by trouble.

I walked to school as usual, thinking about ,who else but Riku. I hope I won't see him today.

Why would my wishes ever come true.

Just as I was by my locker, I felt the presence of someone small behind me. I didn't dare to turn.

"Haru? It wasn't that big of a problem you know? I'm sorry if I hurt you or something, I can't understand it right now." He said softly.

Our next class was soon, thankfully we weren't together in this one. As I kept my back facing to him, he grabbed my hand and forced me to look at him.

He gave me a smile, and pulled me down, and kissed me slightly on the cheek.

I didn't feel anything.

No tingling, no excitement. No nothing.

I pretended to smile as he walked off waving. I waved back weakly.

I rubbed my cheek and suddenly felt angry.


Osamu Dazai's POV:

What trouble this is.

I was already at work before any of the children woke up, I didn't want to deal with any crying. But ever since Atsushi stayed at 'my' place, hes been giving me stares.

"Atsushiii-kuuuuuuunnnn"I sang out.

He tensed up a bit , "Y-yes?"

"Bring your chair here, I wanna have a chat."I said cheerfully.

He stood up, and pushed his chair to my desk, "Sure Dazai-san!"

"Whats wrong?"

"W-what do you mean?"


"Fine, you see, you had maybe accidently pushed me into a girls room that day...I was wondering if there was any context..?"

I thought for a second, "Oh yeah! I had!"

"Right! So whos room was it?"

"My daughters!" I said.

He started coughing like crazy. If he hadn't told everyone that he was just surprised, I bet they'd have thought he had pneomonia.

"Dazai!This is no time to fool around!" Kunikida stated.

"Yes Dazai! No time to fool around! I would've known if you had a daughter!" Kenji said a bit upset.

"Whats this about 'a daughter'?" Yosano asked, cracking her fingers and leaning on her chair.

"My wonderful daughter, Akira!" I said, Ranpo laughed.

"How old is she?" Kenji asked with a gleam in his eye.


The door opened and Kyouka stood there, smiling a bit. Everyone got up excitedly to meet her after a long time.

I closed me eyes and listened to the chatter.


Chuuya's POV:

I woke up early that morning, to see Dazai watching TV.


I walked up to him and he pulled me down by my waist and smashed me onto the couch,"Hey watch it!" I said.

He didn't say anything and grinned. He slowly approached my lips with his, until they touched softly. He kissed me so soflty, that it actually surprised me.

Come to think of it, we haven't done anything like this in a long time. Even though their all grown up, it takes time to take care of kids.

I grabbed the back of Dazai's neck and pulled him closer, he slid his tongue slyly into my mouth.

He kissed more rougher, until that idiot made me a mess.I became sweaty and my face felt hot.

He stopped and sat up, leaving me laying down below him, "Did you want more?~"He said teasingly/

I looked away to make sure my face didn't turn more red than it already was, "Idiot..Go kill yourself..."

I stopped, I suddenly remembered. 

I sat up straight, and looked Dazai straight in the eyes. "Who taught Taeyang to say 'KYS'?

He remined smiling,he looked at the wall,"Well my darling chuu, it seems that I must go to work, good bye!" He said getting up.

I was about to do something, until I heard Akira yelling, Dazai left, blowing me useless kisses until the front door closed.

Akira came down, crying her eyes out, angry and upset.

"Whats wrong?"I said softly as I got up and lead her to the couch.

She leaned her head on my shoulder, sniffing, so I just stroked her hair. She didn't tell me what was wrong, but I'm sure it was about yesterday.

Maybe this wasn't exactly the chapter you were expecting, but the next chapter is gonna be full! I'd like to see what everyone expects to happen!

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