Chapter : 24

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Nakahara Chuuya's POV :

I opened my eyes for second, only for them to droop close again. I then felt weight on my waist, It was that bandage freak wrapping his arms around me.

I felt my cheeks getting a tiny bit hot.

"Get off me, I still wanna sleep" I mumbled.

He just snuggled farther into my neck, pushing my body near his. "Do you wanna go on a date to a restaurant Chuu Chuu bear?"

We haven't had a date in a long time. I have to work full day tomorrow too.

"We can't leave the kids."

I felt his voice getting a bit angry,"Is that a yes?"

I sighed, he'll never become someone easy to deal with.

"Then we have to take the kids."

To my surprise, he actually agreed. I'm praying he doesn't throw them away or sell them to someone when I look away.

I dragged myself of the bed, "Remember, this is probably their first time going out for dinner, so you have to watch them properly." I warned

"Okay! Im BETTING Akira's gonna go crazy."

"Don't you dare tell her yet, I don't want my eardrums to explode."

The rest of the day went pretty much the same, shitty bandages being flirty, Akira begging me to do something about Harus apparent boyfriend, but he told me he doesn't. I'm hoping Akiras just overreacting about something stupid.

About 2 hours before we left, I told them that we were going out.

"We're..what?" Akira questioned.

We're going out, if you don't get ready in 20 seconds, we aren't going."

Without asking where we were going, she leapt off the chair and ran out towards her room screaming.

Haru pinched the bridge of his nose but got up to go get ready too, being sensible.

Taeyang hugged my legs and asked me to come help her pick clothes, which I did. She was as excited as Akira, but Akira was clearly yelling, and blabbering more.

Dazai came out of our room wearing extremely fancy clothes. I looked away, "What the hell?! Go change into normal clothes!"

"ooo Is chibi getting shy?"

I turned to yell at him, except he started biting his lip, which made Akira burst out laughing, it made me laugh too.

"YOU CAN'T EAT HIM!"Taeyang yelled.

"I do whatever I want!", He grabbed Taeyang and ran out the door with her in his arms screaming for help.

"WAIT, DON'T LEAVE MEEE" Akira ran after them.

I turned to see Haru picking up the phone from charging, "No, leave the phone Haru." He looked up at me annoyed, but I just dragged him out of the house.


"Whats this place daddy?" Taeyang asked Dazai, still in his arms.

"We eat here" I said replying for the mackerel.

"Woah! Cool! right Haru?" Akira exclaimed. 

"Yeah..I guess."

"Be happy for once!"Akira said nudging his shoulder. He sighed.

I told all of them to act normally, or else I might get caught.

When we entered, trouble started.

Akira immediately left the second we stepped inside, walking to random peoples table and staring at their food making remarks.

Haru seemed to just stare at people..and Taeyang was getting nervous. I ordered Dazai to get Akira, he did , while I got a table.

When we sat down, Akira stood on her knees and tried talking to the people behind us, who tried their hardest to ignore her.

Taeyang caught a boy her age, who was sitting across from us, staring at her and making faces, "HEY! STOP SHOWING ME YOUR UGLY FACE LIKE THAT!"

Oh for goodness sake, we haven't even ordered anything.

I tried lifting Taeyang up to move her to the inside so she wouldn't see the boy making faces at her at her, but when I tried to, he sneered at her, "Baby!"

She tried getting out of my grasp, but I held on tight, "Relax Taeyang! Hes an idiot anyway relax!"

The parents of that child were too wrapped up in their own affairs, so they didn't really hear me, not that I care anyway.

The boy just started making faces at her again, I rolled my eyes at him. I moved Taeyang to the inside, and gave her a menu.

Good job on keeping myself hidden I thought.

The waitress came, and Bandages ordered for me and him, and we let the kids choose what they wanted.

After out food came, we started eating but exactly when I moved my head back, some sort of substance went flying through the air and landed straight on Taeyangs head.

She screamed loudly.

The boy laughed and pointed at her.

People started staring at us, I grabbed Taeyang and told Dazai to pay for the food, we couldn't risk anyone recognizing us.

Dazai groaned but took out his wallet, Akira whined about leaving so early but quickly got up behind me too. Haru didn't seem too bothered and got up after us slowly.

I grabbed a tissue on the way out, and gently tried cleaning her hair outside the resturant.

"B-beat him!" Taeyang told me, she wasn't crying, but I could tell she wanted to.

"Its alright Tae-Tae, we just got to deal with people like that ok?"

"Yeah.." she said rubbing her nose.

I knew Akira was gonna be mad at Taeyang at ending her journey short, but it was good that she did, I have a lot of work tomorrow...

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